Past events

FREITAG, 31. Januar 2025
9–16 UHR

Digitale DIRK-Mitgliederversammlung 2025 (in German)


Im Rahmen unserer Partnerschaft mit dem DIRK freuen wir uns, unseren Mitgliedern exklusiv Zugang zur DIRK-Mitgliederversammlung am 31. Januar 2025 zu ermöglichen.

Neben aufeinanderfolgenden Live-Vorträgen wird es parallel Diskussionen in kleinerer Runde für den direkten Erfahrungsaustausch geben.

Weitere Informationen finden Sie zu gegebener Zeit hier auf der Veranstaltungsseite.

Interessierte Mitglieder des IR club Schweiz können sich ab Januar 2025 als Gast auf der Webseite des DIRK für die Mitgliederversammlung anmelden.



Thursday, January 23, 2025, 7.30 AM - 9.00 AM

IR Breakfast: Key Themes, Challenges and Solutions for Investor Relations in 2025

Rothschild & Co, Zollikerstrasse 181, 8034 Zurich

This event was reserved exclusively for SIX-listed companies.

In conjunction with Rothschild & Co, the IR club Schweiz was delighted to host a breakfast and networking event discussing some of the key themes and considerations for Investor Relations Teams in 2025.

To frame the discussion, George Karamanos, Global Strategist at Redburn Atlantic, provided a view on how capital allocation decisions are valued across different regions and sectors in an environment of rising tail risks, while Rothschild & Co.’s Investor Advisory team added their own perspectives around equity market engagement within the context of how investors are positioning themselves for 2025. Jens Brueckner, Head of Investor Relations at EFG International, discussed the equity market journey of EFG International from its 2005 IPO to today.

While all companies have their own strategic priorities from an investor relations perspective, there are common themes, challenges and goals. The objective of this session was to provide some expert insights and a forum to discuss some of the major themes and topics that are on the minds of many IR professionals.




Jens Brueckner, Head of IR, EFG International

George Karamanos, Global Strategist, Redburn Atlantic

Alice Squires, Co-Head Investor Advisory, Rothschild & Co

Jeremy Wiseman, Co-Head Investor Advisory, Rothschild & Co




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IR Summit 2024

TUESDAY, DECEMBER 10, 2024: Cocktail Party – 6.30pm

Browns, 8-10 Old Jewry, London EC2R 8DN

WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 11, 2024: Presentations & Workshops – 8.30am to 4.45pm

Merchant Taylors' Hall, 30 Threadneedle St, London EC2R 8JB

This event will feature panels of Heads of IRs, CIOs and experts sharing their views on the latest evolutions of investor relations, as well as keynote speakers on the economic outlook, geopolitics, ESG and the latest capital markets trends.

It will take place on 11th December in London at Merchant Taylors' Hall, an exceptional venue located in the heart of the City of London. We also invite you to join us at our Drinks Reception on 10th December from 6.30pm onwards at Browns. Kindly see above for the locations' addresses.

The program is as follows:


 Registration & welcome coffee

08:45 Introduction by Kepler Cheuvreux
09:00 Session 1 - Elections in Europe and the US: Knock-on effects for western economies
09:45 Session 2 - Sustainability reporting: Testimonials from winners
10:30 Coffee break & networking
11:00 Session 3 – Keynote to be confirmed
11:45 Session 4 - Views from the buy side
12:30 Lunch break
13:30 Workshop 1 - Understanding and managing market fragmentation
13:30 Workshop 2 - Artificial Intelligence for IR
14:15 Workshop 3 - North American roadshows: What’s new
14:15 Workshop 4 - Boosting liquidity: Strategies for European corporates
15:00 Coffee break & networking
15:15 Workshop 5 - Navigating your close period: Best practices for pre-reporting
15:15 Workshop 6 – The changing IR role: How to boost your career
16:00 End of conference

Find the PDF with more details about the event here.

To register, please contact by the 3rd of December, 2024.

The SmartConnect Team looks forward to welcoming you to this event.

Powered by Kepler Cheuvreux and Euronext


6.00 P.M.

Traditional IR club Chlaushöck 2024 - REGISTER NOW

Amboss Rampe, Zollstrasse 80, 8005 Zürich

This event was only open to IR club Schweiz members.

The traditional IR club Chlaushöck is an exclusive networking event for members. The Chlaushöck always takes place after the SIX IR Conference in Zurich. This year we met at Amboss Rampe in Zurich. Participants enjoyed a cozy evening in an urban atmosphere with drinks and a flying dinner. 

Find some impressions of our Chlaushöck 2024 below:



Main Sponsor




Investor Relations Conference - SAVE THE DATE

SIX ConventionPoint, Pfingstweidstrasse 110, 8005 Zürich

This event is reserved exclusively for SIX-listed companies.

The next Investor Relations Conference will take place on 3 December 2024 in Zurich.  

If you have any questions or require further information, please contact the SIX Issuer Relations Team at

IR club members can find a review as well as exclusive content from the SIX IR Conference 2023 in the member section on our website.

tuesday, November 19, 2024, 4.30pm-6pm

Artificial intelligence in line with the GDPR and the EU AI Act - Responsible and legally compliant into the future

SIX ConventionPoint, Pfingstweidstrasse 110, 8005 Zürich

This event is reserved exclusively for SIX-listed companies.

Artificial intelligence has long since become part of our everyday lives - from voice assistants and chatbots to personalized news feeds and product recommendations.

With the recent entry into force of the EU AI Act, the legal framework for the use of artificial intelligence is coming even more into focus. We are therefore delighted to invite you to our exclusive event (powered by Devigus), which will focus on the responsible use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and the requirements of GDPR compliance and the new regulations of the EU AI Act in this rapidly evolving area.

At our event, we will address the critical intersection of AI innovation, GDPR compliance and the legal aspects of the EU AI Act. Our aim is to provide you with valuable insights on how to use AI responsibly while complying with strict data protection regulations.

The event will be followed by an aperitif riche.

Register here



Arturo Devigus, Managing Director, Devigus Engineering AG


Prof. Dr. iur. Daniel Häusermann, LL.M, Attorney at Law, Homburger AG


Martin Janisch, Partner Solution Specialist - Security, Microsoft Schweiz GmbH






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ESG Integration Forum - Europe

Clifford Chance offices, London

This year we are proud to partner with IR Magazine and Corporate Secretary for the upcoming ESG Integration Forum – Europe on November 19. This year's forum will bring together experts from Europe and is the ultimate place to learn about developments around expectations related to environmental, social and governance factors.

The forum helps IR, governance and sustainability professionals to understand how current market conditions are impacting ESG priorities across Europe, navigate rapidly changing regulatory landscapes, and prepare for the key issues expected in next year’s proxy season.

Join us at the ESG Integration Forum – Europe to make sure you’re best placed to take on the newest ESG-related challenges that issuers face. As a partner, we are delighted to offer you our discount code, IRCLUBCH20 for 20% off the advertised ticket prices. Use the code at checkout.

Register here

tuesday, November 5, 2024, 4pm-5pm

Innovate Your IR Strategy: Harnessing Technology and AI for Exceptional Investor Relations


This event is reserved exclusively for SIX-listed companies.

Join us together with our gold partner Q4 for an insightful webinar focused on optimising your IR strategies through the right tools. In this session, industry experts will explore the latest digital platforms and technologies that empower IROs to enhance communication, streamline processes, and drive better engagement with investors.

By joining this webinar, you will learn:

  • Best practices for integrating technology and automation into your IR strategy to improve decision-making.
  • How to effectively leverage AI to stay ahead of the industry curve and anticipate investor needs.
  • Approaches to streamlining IR workflows by automating routine tasks, freeing up time for strategic activities and improving overall efficiency.

Don't miss this opportunity to transform your IR approach with the right tools and expert guidance!

Register here



Darrell Heaps, Founder & CEO, Q4


Tanya Thomas, EVP EMEA, Q4


Muge Yucel, Director, Investor Relations & Sustainability, Galata Wind Enerji AS




Isabel Vilela, Head of IR & Corporate Communications, GoviEX Uranium



Register here


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9.00 – 20.00 UHR

CIRA-Jahreskonferenz 2024

Palais Niederösterreich, Herrengasse 13, 1010 Wien

Der CIRA - CERCLE INVESTOR RELATIONS AUSTRIA lädt zur Jahreskonferenz am 16. Oktober 2024 ein – im Palais Niederösterreich.

Dieses Jahr steht die Teilnahme nebst CIRA-Mitgliedern exklusiv auch Mitgliedern des IR club Schweiz offen.

Hier gehts zur Anmeldung

Die CIRA-Jahreskonferenz ist ein renommiertes jährliches Highlight für Kapitalmarktinteressierte in Österreich. Über 300 Gäste aus den Bereichen Investor Relations, Recht, ESG und Kommunikation sowie rund 50 hochkarätige Referentinnen und Referenten werden in acht Panels ihr Wissen zu aktuellen Themen der Investor Relations teilen.

Nach einer Keynote von General und NATO-Befehlshaber a.D. Hans-Lothar Domröse zum Thema „Europäische Sicherheit inmitten globaler Machtverschiebungen“ diskutieren wir die Perspektiven des Wirtschaftsstandorts Europa. Im Anschluss suchen wir nach neuen Impulsen für den Kapitalmarkt, beleuchten, wie Unternehmen und Investoren besser zusammenfinden können, und bringen unser Rechtswissen auf den neuesten Stand. Selbstverständlich kommen auch Themen wie ESG-Berichterstattung, Künstliche Intelligenz und Digitalisierung nicht zu kurz. Weitere Highlights des Programms sind ein Stimmtraining, die Verleihung der Austrian Financial Communication Awards mit dem diesjährigen Schwerpunkt „Digitale Kommunikation“ sowie Einblicke in Unternehmen, die als Vorreiter in der nachhaltigen Transformation gelten.

Die Details zum Programm sind auf der Konferenzseite ersichtlich.


Für all jene, die schon am Vorabend (15. Oktober 2024) anreisen: Wir laden euch auf eine Zeitreise durch Wien ein. Details folgen!

Am Morgen der Jahreskonferenz (16. Oktober 2024) dann um 7:30 Uhr für alle Sportbegeisterten: CIRA läuf


Falls Sie Fragen zum Event haben, steht Ihnen Elis Karner ( | +436648403033) gerne zur Verfügung.

TUesday, october 1, 2024, 5pm-7.30pm

How to be effective in investor engagement – Opportunity & Strategies to attract capital for Swiss equity issuers

Westhive Zurich, Hardturmstrasse 161, 8005 Zurich

This event was reserved exclusively for SIX-listed companies.

In conjunction with S&P Global Issuer Solutions and Rose & Company, the IR club Schweiz was delighted to host a panel of investor-engagement experts to discuss their recommendations for meeting new and relevant investors. The panel shared their experiences of what makes effective investor outreach and the best practices for working with advisors or reaching out directly to the buy-side.

To frame the discussion, S&P Global Issuer Solutions provided quantitative guidance into where the greatest opportunities lie for each market cap bracket of Swiss issuer. S&P Global’s proprietary ownership benchmarking data provided clarity into how your company compares against other European issuers.

The objective of the session was not only to give each attendee a thorough understanding of how their own company compares to the benchmarks but also the requisite knowledge to make better decisions in attracting new names to the register. While each company has its own unique challenges to engage with investors, commonalities can be drawn with regards to strategic ownership, market capitalization, and sector. Attendees could expect to leave the session with a clear understanding of where the opportunities lie and which strategies to employ to succeed.



  • 4:30-5:00pm Guest arrival& Registration
  • 5:00-6:00pm Panel presentation
  • 6:00-7:30pm Networking with small bites and drinks



The panel discussed a range of critical topics that are both specific to Swiss issuers and common to other European corporate, including:

  • Understanding the available money pools & the total addressable market.
  • Geographical ownership benchmarking for Swiss companies.
  • The challenge of attracting and engaging long-only shareholders & how to best develop relationships with the buy-side.
  • How to identify and correct inefficient uses of resources and time.
  • Understanding the difference between corporate access vs. investor access.
  • The importance of fundamental investor versus peer targeting.



  • Simon Rose, CEO, Rose & Co
  • Adam Snyder, Head of Investor Relations, Temenos
  • Valentina Barnfather, European Head of Corporate Access, Capital Group
  • Martin Railton, Head of Advisory EMEA, Investor Relations Solutions, S&P Global Market Intelligence




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Wednesday, September 25, 2024, 3pm-6pm

Financial Market Infrastructure Act: Implications for Listed Companies, their Managers, and Investors

SIX ConventionPoint, Pfingstweidstrasse 110, 8005 Zürich

This event is reserved exclusively for SIX-listed companies.

At this SIX event participants will be able to learn about the implications of the proposed amendments to the Swiss Financial Market Infrastructure Act (FinMIA).

On 19 June 2024, the Federal Department of Finance launched a consultation on the proposed amendments to the Swiss Financial Market Infrastructure Act (FinMIA), which will run until 11 October 2024.

The proposed amendments include surprising changes , particularly regarding ad-hoc-publicity, insider lists, black-out periods, and management transactions. Theevent will outline and discuss the key implications for issuers, their managers, and investors.

If you have any questions or require further information, please contact the SIX Issuer Relations Team at

Wednesday, August 21, 2024, 3pm-6pm

Navigating Indices: Essential Insights for IR Practitioners

SIX ConventionPoint, Pfingstweidstrasse 110, 8005 Zürich

This event is reserved exclusively for SIX-listed companies.

As the investment landscape continues to evolve, understanding and effectively navigating indices is crucial for IR professionals.

At this event distinguished speakers and industry experts will share their knowledge and experiences to equip you with the necessary knowledge to excel in today's dynamic market environment. The event also presents an invaluable opportunity to network with fellow IR practitioners and industry peers.

If you have any questions or require further information, please contact the SIX Issuer Relations Team at

MONDAY, July 8, 2024 AT 5PM

IR club Summer Soirée 2024

Swiss Life, General-Guisan-Quai 40, 8022 Zürich

This event is only open to members and partners of the IR club Schweiz.

Our highly anticipated summer soirée in Zurich returned, following the resounding success of last year's IR club summer party!

This year, our member Swiss Life graciously hosted the event on their breathtaking rooftop terrace, overlooking picturesque Lake Zurich. The IR community could indulge in a flying dinner, refreshing beverages, and engaging conversations. With ample time for networking and mingling, this soirée was an enriching experience.


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1. - 2. Juli 2024

27. DIRK-Konferenz (German) - SAVE THE DATE

Steigenberger Airport Hotel Frankfurt

Im Juli 2024 veranstaltet der Deutsche Investor Relations Verband die 27. DIRK-Konferenz unter dem Motto "Künstliche Intelligenz – Hype oder Gamechanger für Investor Relations?" in Frankfurt am Main.

Bei der jährlichen DIRK-Konferenz diskutieren über zwei Tage bis zu 400 internationale Entscheidungsträger aus der Wirtschafts- und Finanzkommunikation in über 20 Workshops, Vorträgen und Podiumsdiskussionen in deutscher und englischer Sprache über wichtige Entwicklungen im IR-Bereich.

Hier gehts zum Programm


Als IR club-Mitglied profitieren Sie von einem attraktiven Rabatt auf den Ticketspreis. Sie erhalten einen Zwei-Tages-Pass für 590 Euro (anstatt 1590 Euro).

Jetzt den Termin im Kalender vormerken!


4.00–7.00 P.M.

Annual General Meeting IR club Schweiz

Givaudan Zurich Innovation Centre, Kemptpark 50, 8310 Kemptthal

This event was only open to members of the IR club Schweiz.

We continued our popular tradition in 2024 and had the privilege to combine the AGM with a visit to one of our member companies. Givaudan hosted us for a unique AGM combined with an exciting tour through their Innovation Centre in Kemptthal, Zurich.

There was ample time for networking with peers at the subsequent apero riche sponsored by our Gold Partner Nasdaq.

Registration was open to IR club Schweiz members only. The main contact person per member company received a personalised link to the voting platform provided by our Gold Partner Devigus.




Annual General Meeting (AGM)

moderated by Lorna Davie, President, IR club Schweiz


Presentation by our Gold Partner Nasdaq on "Diversifying Your Shareholder Base & Targeting Internationally"


16.50Short introduction by Givaudan; followed by an exclusive tour of the Givaudan Innovation Center
18:30Networking Apéro (sponsored by Nasdaq)





Scott Young - Lead Advisory, Investor Engagement, Nasdaq

Scott has 17 years of experience working with Investor Relations teams based in Europe and beyond.


Advising IR teams on the investor landscape globally and the true investor opportunity for their stock.


The IR club AGM 2024 was kindly sponsored by our gold partner Nasdaq.


The voting platform for our AGM was kindly provided by our gold partner Devigus.

Mittwoch, 20. märz 2024

9.00 Uhr (cocktail empfang am vorabend)

DIRK ESG-TAGUNG 2024 (German only)

Flemings Selection Hotel Frankfurt City, Eschenheimer Tor 2, 60318 Frankfurt a.M.

Die dritte ESG-Tagung bietet am 19. & 20. März 2024 eine Plattform für Experten aus dem Bereichen Umwelt, Soziales und Unternehmensführung. Ein spannendes Programm aus Fallstudien, Berichten und Meinungsaustauschen erwartet die Teilnehmerinnen und Teilnehmer.

Am 19.03.2024 startet die Tagung mit einem Austausch in geselliger Runde von 18:00 – ca. 22:30 Uhr.

Am 20.03.2024 findet die Tagung von 9:00 – 16:00/30 Uhr mit einem breiten Angebot an Workshops, Case Studies und Vorträgen und einer Paneldiskussion statt.

Es wird eine Teilnahmegebühr erhoben. IR club Mitglieder profitieren von vergünstigten Konditionen (bitte im Kommentarfeld die Mitgliedschaft erwähnen).

Hier geht's zum Programm

Hier geht's zur Anmeldung






Thursday, march 7, 2024, 9am

Leonardo Royal Hotel London City, 8-14 Cooper’s Row, London, EC3N 2BQ

With an increasing number of investors, governance and corporate communications teams adopting machine-learning and generative AI to support their day-to-day decision-making, it is critical for IR teams to follow suit. However, at this nascent stage, there are a lot of questions about the ethical use of AI, accuracy, privacy concerns and more.

The AI for IR forum on March 7 in London is designed to provide IR teams at publicly listed companies with a blueprint for the responsible use of AI to supercharge their IR program.

Featuring AI veterans from the buy side, experts from tech companies, and issuers who have successfully implemented AI, the forum will provide actionable checklists and best practice booklets on how to successfully implement an AI-powered IR strategy in 2024.

This event is organized by IR magazine.


As an IR club member you can benefit from an exklusive 20% discount on ticket prices by using the code IRCLUBCH20.


9–17 UHR

Digitale DIRK-Mitgliederversammlung 2024 (in German)


Im Rahmen unserer Partnerschaft mit dem DIRK freuen wir uns, unseren Mitgliedern exklusiv Zugang zur DIRK-Mitgliederversammlung am 23. Februar 2024 zu ermöglichen.

Neben verbandsinternen Themen stehen vor allem inhaltliche Aspekte der IR-Arbeit in Form mehrerer – teilweise paralleler – Vorträge, Diskussionen oder Workshops auf dem Programm.


Interessierte Mitglieder des IR club Schweiz können sich ab Januar 2024 als Gast auf der Webseite des DIRK für die Mitgliederversammlung anmelden.






WEDNESDAY, 13 DECEMBER 2023: Cocktail Party – 6.30pm

Les Deux Magots, 6 place Saint Germain des Prés, 75006 Paris


THURSDAY, 14. DECEMBER 2023: Presentations & Workshops – 8.30am to 4.45pm

Salons Hoche, 9 avenue Hoche, 75008 Paris

Kepler Cheuvreux is delighted to invite you to their IR Summit 2023. They will be co-hosting the event with Euronext again this year, as well as many IR associations. The event will take place on December 14th 2023 at the Salons Hoche, 9 avenue Hoche, 75008 Paris, an exceptional venue located in the heart of Paris, just steps away from the Champs Elysées. 


The theme will be: “IR Strategies in a Changing Rate Landscape”.

The event will feature Heads of IRs, CIOs and experts sharing their views on the latest evolutions of investor relations, as well as keynote speakers on the economic outlook, geopolitics, ESG and the latest capital market trends.


Drinks reception on December 13th
Location: Les Deux Magots, 6 place Saint Germain des Prés, 75006 Paris | From 6.30pm

Presentations and workshops on December 14th
Location: Salons Hoche, 9 avenue Hoche, 75008 Paris | 8.30am to 4.45pm

Registration Deadline: December 8th


Download the program here.


Powered by Kepler Cheuvreux and Euronext


7.00 P.M.

Traditional Chlaushöck

Loft Five, Europaallee 15, 8004 Zürich

This event was only open to IR club Schweiz members.

The IR club Chlaushöck 2023 was once again a fun evening of networking, good food and delicious drinks. The Chlaushöck took place after the SIX IR Conference at Loft Five in Zurich. 

We loved being able to welcome so many members of the Swiss IR community.


Find some impressions of our Chlaushöck in 2023 below:






Investor Relations Conference

SIX ConventionPoint, Pfingstweidstrasse 110, 8005 Zürich

This event is reserved exclusively for SIX-listed companies.

The next Investor Relations Conference will take place on 12 December 2023 in Zurich.  

If you have any questions or require further information, please contact the SIX Issuer Relations Team at



9.00 – 20.00 UHR

CIRA-Jahreskonferenz 2023

Hilton Vienna Park, Am Stadtpark 1, 1030 Wien

Der CIRA - CERCLE INVESTOR RELATIONS AUSTRIA lädt zur Jahreskonferenz am 11. Oktober 2023 ein – im Hilton Vienna Park, Am Stadtpark 1 in Wien.

Dieses Jahr steht die Teilnahme nebst CIRA-Mitgliedern exklusiv auch Mitgliedern des IR club Schweiz offen.

Hier gehts zur Anmeldung

Die jährliche CIRA-Jahreskonferenz zählt zu den bedeutendsten Veranstaltungen für Kapitalmarktbegeisterte in Österreich. Sie zieht über 300 Teilnehmer:innen aus den Fachgebieten Investor Relations, Recht, ESG und Kommunikation an. Die CIRA-Konferenz stellt für die Community eine hervorragende Gelegenheit dar, sich zu aktuellen Kapitalmarktthemen auszutauschen. Im Rahmen der Veranstaltung werden insgesamt neun Diskussionsrunden zu diversen Bereichen der Märkte und der Unternehmenskommunikation durchgeführt.

Der Konferenztag startet um 9:00 Uhr mit einem Interview mit dem Fussballtrainer Oliver Glasner zum Thema „Chancen erkennen – Herausforderungen meistern“.

Im Laufe des Tages befassen sich Teilnehmende dann mit folgenden Themengebieten:

  • C-Levels Insight: Der Blick nach vorne
  • Aktivistische vs. Aktive Investoren
  • Was suchen Privataktionäre und Family Offices?
  • ESG-Investment: Worauf schauen Investoren?
  • Rechts-Update zum Kapitalmarkt
  • ESG-Reporting: Aktuelle Trends und Best Practices
  • Die Evolution der Investoren: Altes Geld vs. Neues Geld
  • Die Zukunft ist jetzt: KI und Investor Relations
  • Vertrauen gewinnen: Corporate Governance in der Investorenkommunikation

Den Abschluss des Konferenztages bildet um 18:00 Uhr eine Präsentation von Martin Moder (Science Busters) zu seinen Thesen zur Zukunft. Des Weiteren können sich Teilnehmende dieses Jahr wiederum auf die Verleihung der „Austrian Financial Communications Awards“ freuen.

All jene, die schon am Vorabend (10. Oktober 2023) anreisen, sind herzlich zu einem Get-Together eingeladen. Details folgen! Am Morgen der Jahreskonferenz (11. Oktober 2023) dann um 7:30 Uhr für alle Sportbegeisterten: CIRA läuft (Treffpunkt in der Hotel Lobby um 7:15 Uhr)

Hotelzimmer benötigt? Hier gibt es 15% Discount auf die aktuell verfügbare Hilton-Rate.

Die Details zum Programm sind auf unserer Konferenzhomepage ersichtlich.

Falls Sie Fragen zum Event haben, steht Ihnen Elis Karner ( | +436648403033) gerne zur Verfügung.


4.00 P.M. - 6.00 P.M. (followed by an aperitif riche)

Virtuelle Generalversammlung - ein Blick hinter die Kulissen

Hallenstadion, Wallisellenstrasse 45, 8050 Zürich

Mit Inkrafttreten des neuen Aktienrechts per 2023 und den umgesetzten Statutenänderungen entstehen neue Anforderungen und Möglichkeiten auch in Bezug auf die Durchführung einer rein virtuellen Generalversammlung.

Diese aktuellen Entwicklungen rücken nebst den rechtlichen Aspekten die Frage ins Zentrum, unter welchen Rahmenbedingungen eine rein virtuelle Generalversammlung abgewickelt, professionell inszeniert und aktionärsfreundlich umgesetzt werden kann.

Insbesondere geht es hierbei um die konkrete Umsetzung aller Anwendungsfälle bei einer virtuellen und latenzfreien Generalversammlung mit Live-Abstimmung, Adhoc-Anträgen und Online-Wortmeldeschalter.

Der Partneranlass wird organisiert von Devigus in Kooperation mit dem Center for Corporate Reporting (CCR) und Habegger und adressiert das Thema virtuelle Generalversammlung mit einer interaktiv gestalteten Live-Demo, einem juristischen Fachreferat sowie einer Panel Diskussion.


  • Arturo Devigus, Geschäftsführer, Devigus Engineering AG
  • Dr. iur. Daniel Häusermann, LL.M, Rechtsanwalt, Homburger AG

Experten Panel Diskussion

  • Dr. Charlotte Pamer, Secretary to the Board of Directors, Novartis AG
  • Silvan Jampen, General Counsel Corporate, Nestlé AG
  • Vincent Kaufmann, Direktor, Ethos




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6.00 P.M.

Corporate Engagement

Restaurant UniTurm, University of Zurich, Raemistrasse 71, 8006 Zurich

Engagements have been identified as a key means for companies to explain their individual situation to institutional shareholders and, viceversa, to allow institutional investors to raise awareness amongst companies for issues they deem important. Join us for this evening event to learn more about engagements and the executive education program that UZH is offering in this field.

We look forward to welcoming you at the University of Zurich!


  • 17.45 - Doors open

  • 18.00 - Welcome

    What do we know about shareholder engagements?
    Dr. Christoph Wenk Bernasconi, Project Manager UZH Finance Executive Education, Partner SWIPRA Services

  • 18.20 - Panel Discussion - Role of Engagements

    Dr. Kristin Köhler, Global Head Investor Relations, Dufry Group
    Matteo Passero, Director Investment Stewardship, UBS Asset Management
    Moderator: Dr. Christoph Wenk Bernasconi

  • 19.05 - Outlook - Education program and upcoming course on ESG Engagements

  • 19.10 - Aperitif





Event Partner

MONDAY, july 3, 2023 AT 5PM

IR club Summer Soirée 2023

Quai Café, Mythenquai 2, 8002 Zurich

This event was only open to members and partners of the IR club Schweiz.

Following last year's successful IR club summer party with our members and partners we invited our community again for a summer soirée in Zurich.

Our member Zurich Insurance hosted the event at their Quai Café near lake Zurich. The event started off with an interesting heritage tour through their premises at Mythenquai.

Participants then enjoyed a relaxed evening with good food, drinks and ample time for networking.


To the photo gallery

THURSDAY, JUNE 29, 2023 at 4pm CET

Shareholder activism: What investors seek, which companies are targeted, and how stocks perform


This event is open to IROs only (no service providers allowed).

The IR club Schweiz is happy to announce that we have once more partnered with our fellow IR Associations in Italy (Italian Investor Relations Association (AIR))and Spain (Spanish Investor Relations Association (AERI)) to provide our members with valuable and exciting inputs.

In April, Goldman Sachs’ Strategy Research team released an investor report titled "Shareholder activism: What investors seek, which companies are targeted, and how stocks perform". In their report, the authors found there to be a surge in shareholder activity during 2022 making it the most active years in almost 20 years. The changing regulatory landscape and an uncertain macro environment could support shareholder activism during 2023 and beyond.

Hear in our webinar from one of the authors of the report and two experts from the Investment Banking and Equities divisions at Goldman Sachs about the changing landscape of activists and the themes they are focusing on.



  • Anne Bizien, Managing Director and Head of Activism Shareholder Advisory Group EMEA, Goldman Sachs
  • Jenny Ma, Associate, US Strategy, Global Investment Research, Goldman Sachs
  • Matt Michon, Managing Director, Equity Sales EMEA, Goldman Sachs
  • James Fitzsimmons, Head of Global Corporate Access EMEA, Goldman Sachs


IR Think Tank - Europe

In-person event: Bank of America offices, London


We are pleased to be partnering with IR Magazine for the upcoming IR Think Tank – Europe.

Taking place on Thursday, June 22 at the Bank of America offices in London, the event brings together senior IR officers to take part in short, sharp panel discussions, discuss the key trends affecting public companies and give context to practical, in-depth roundtables on how IR teams are respondin.

Find more information here

Request an invite from IR Magazine

THURSDAY, June 22, 2023

IR Magazine Awards - Europe

8 Northumberland Avenue, London

We are proud to be partnering with IR Magazine for their upcoming IR Magazine Awards – Europe, Thursday, June 22, 2023. We are excited to be welcoming the IR community an evening of celebration, as well as honoring all of the nominees and winners, who have demonstrated IR excellence over the past year.

What to expect on the night?

  • You will be hosted at the glamorous 8 Northumberland Avenue, London
  • Welcome drinks upon arrival and time to catch up with the IR community
  • A 3-course sit down dinner followed by a prestigious awards ceremony
  • And finally, a fun-filled after party where you can continue the celebrations with a drink in hand, share your success stories with all of the nominees and winners, and connect with new contacts

Find out more about the event and how to sign up here.


14th Geschäftsberichte-Symposium
"The Paradox of Transparency"


At the GDI Rüschlikon/Zurich

Digital pass with livestream and replay

Key stakeholder groups are calling for companies to provide increasingly detailed and wide-ranging information. Does more information actually enable stakeholders to make better decisions? Or does the flood of information distract from the essentials and lead to a lack of transparency and misinformation? This raises the question of whether the growing weight of regulation results in more trust, a desired transformation or further development of a company – or is it just costly and time consuming. Calling for transparency is simple – creating it, however, is far more complex. Does greater disclosure achieve the desired effect? It is clear that in light of the wealth of information, companies are facing significant challenges in reaching stakeholders with their core messages and value drivers. In terms of focusing on the essentials – is less more?

At the 14th annual Geschäftsberichte-Symposium on June 14, 2023, experts from business and academia provided insights into the topic under the motto:

«The Paradox of Transparency»


IR club Schweiz members will benefitted from a 20% discount.


Find more information here

4.00–7.00 P.M.

Annual General Meeting IR club Schweiz

Zurich Airport

We were very pleased to finally have been able to invite our IR club members to a physical AGM again this year, after we had to hold a virtual meeting for the last three years.

We continued our popular tradition and had the privilege to combine the AGM with a visit to our member companies. This year, Zurich Airport together with Dufry hosted us for a unique AGM combined with an exciting tour through the airport. We believe that even for frequent travellers there were lesser-known corners of the airport to discover.

Our gold partner D.F. King and Dufry sponsored the concluding apero riche, where our members had ample time for networking.

Members can find a photo gallery as well as the minutes and slides from the AGM 2023 in the member area.

Registration was open to IR club Schweiz members only. The main contact person per member company received a personalised link to the voting in the official invitation email in March.




Annual General Meeting (AGM)

moderated by Lorna Davie, President, IR club Schweiz


Presentation by our Gold Partner D.F. King on "Corporate Preparedness for the 2023 AGM and Beyond"

presented by David Chase Lopes, Managing Director EMEA, D.F. King Ltd

16.50Short introduction by Zurich Airport and Dufry; followed by an exclusive tour of the airport
18:30Networking Apéro (sponsored by D.F. King and Dufry)




David Chase Lopes joined Orient Capital in July 2010 and since his arrival has overseen approximately 1,000 shareholder communication mandates across the EMEA region.

David was an investment banker from 1992 to 2005 at Deutsche Bank and Société Générale with a specialization in M&A debt financing in the O&G sector. David then worked for John Mayo, CBE, in a series of vehicles including Beehive Capital (finance), Efficient Capital Structures (shareholder activism) and Salisbury Associates (shareholder communications).

He is a recognized expert in several shareholder engagement subjects including: M&A, corporate governance and shareholder activism. He speaks regularly on Corporate Governance and Shareholder Engagement internationally.


Kindly supported by our gold partner Orient Capital & D.F. King.



The voting tool for our AGM was provided by our gold partner Devigus.


ESG - Key Challenges for Investor Relations


BNP Paribas Exane have recently completed a survey on the ESG - Key Challenges for Investor Relations. The results and main takeaways from the survey were presented and discussed in in a webinar on March 2, 2023. We have partnered with our fellow IR Associations in Italy (Italian Investor Relations Association (AIR))and Spain (Spanish Investor Relations Association (AERI)) to provide our members with valuable and exciting inputs on the topic.

The panel of expert speakers addressed the following questions:

  • What are the main trends in terms of ESG Assets under management and flows?
  • What types of sectors/companies are currently attracting ESG funds the most?
  • How to target the right ESG funds to pitch your equity story?
  • New ESG regulations: What to keep in mind for 2023-2024?
  • Top ESG challenges for IR teams: what do your peers think?
  • Main take-aways from our international ESG Corporate survey


  • Constance Chalchat, Head of CIB Company Engagement & Chief Sustainability, BNP Paribas
  • Laurie Fitzjohn Sykes, Co-head of ESG Research, BNP Paribas Exane
  • Benedicte Thibord, Head of Corporate Cash Equity (Europe), BNP Paribas Exane
  • Nuria Pascual Lapeña, Corporate VP Treasury and IR and Sustainability Officer, Grifols & Board Member AERI

Members can access the replay of the event in the member area on our website.

9–17 UHR

Digitale DIRK-Mitgliederversammlung 2023 - SAVE THE DATE


Im Rahmen unserer Partnerschaft mit dem DIRK freuen wir uns, unseren Mitgliedern exklusiv Zugang zur DIRK-Mitgliederversammlung am 24. Februar 2023 zu ermöglichen.

Neben verbandsinternen Themen stehen vor allem inhaltliche Aspekte der IR-Arbeit in Form mehrerer – teilweise paralleler – Vorträge, Diskussionen oder Workshops auf dem Programm.


Interessierte Mitglieder des IR club Schweiz können sich ab Januar 2023 als Gast auf der Webseite des DIRK für die Mitgliederversammlung anmelden.




IR Summit 2022 "Macro makes the world go round"


WEDNESDAY, 14. DECEMBER 2022: Cocktail Party – 6.30pm

Seitaly Bistro, Milan


THURSDAY, 15. DECEMBER 2022: Presentations & Workshops – 8.30am to 4.45pm

Palazzo Mezzanotte, Milan

Kepler Cheuvreux's IR Summit will go back to in-person this year!

Kepler Cheuvreux is delighted to invite you to their 13th IR summit. They will be co-hosting the event with Euronext again this year, as well as many IR associations. The event will take place on December 15th 2022 in Milan at Palazzo Mezzanotte, historical headquarters of Borsa Italiana (Euronext Group). 

The theme will be: “Macro Makes the World Go Round”.

The event will feature keynote speakers, Heads of IRs, CEOs, CIOs and experts sharing their views on the economic outlook, geopolitics, ESG, capital markets and the latest evolutions of the IR function.


Drinks reception on December 14th
Location: Seitaly Bistro, Corso Italia 6, Milan | From 6.30pm

Presentations and workshops on December 15th
Location: Palazzo Mezzanotte, Piazza degli Affari 6, Milan | 8.30am to 4.45pm

Registration Deadline: November 18th


Download the complete program here.


Powered by Kepler Cheuvreux and Euronext




7.00 P.M.

Traditional Chlaushöck

Loft Five, Europaallee 15, 8004 Zürich

This event is only open to IR club Schweiz members.

We were delighted to invite our IR club members to the ever-popular Chlaushöck at the end of our special anniversary year. Traditionally, we met after the SIX conference for a christmas get-together with plenty of networking over a fine flying dinner and drinks at Loft Five in Zurich!

This year's tradtional Chlaushöck was hosted by our joint gold partners SWIPRA Services & Morrow Sodali who enriched the evening with a fun quiz game.



The Chlaushöck is powered by Morrow Sodali & SWIPRA


ESG Integration Forum - Europe

In-person and virtual: etc. venues Monument, London

This year we are proud to partner with IR Magazine and Corporate Secretary for the upcoming ESG Integration Forum – Europe on November 22. This year's forum will bring together experts from Europe and is the ultimate place to learn about developments around expectations related to environmental, social and governance factors.

The forum helps IR, governance and sustainability professionals to understand how current market conditions are impacting ESG priorities across Europe, navigate rapidly changing regulatory landscapes, and prepare for the key issues expected in next year’s proxy season.

Join us at the ESG Integration Forum – Europe to make sure you’re best placed to take on the newest ESG-related challenges that issuers face. As a partner, we are delighted to offer you our discount code, IRCLUBCH20, which gives you 20% off the ticket price, use at checkout.

Register here

THURSDAY, November 10, 2022

Attracting new capital in challenging market conditions


The economic outlook continues to remain very uncertain, posing challenges for corporates to tell their equity story effectively. Companies are grappling with persistent inflation, falling consumer confidence, rising geopolitical tensions and a possible economic recession – factors that add to the pressure on IR teams. Research shows that maintaining a strong connection with the financial community is critical, especially in challenging market conditions. How can companies gauge investor perception in times of heightened stock market volatility? How should companies prepare for and secure buy-side attendance at capital markets days or site visits?

Our panel of expert speakers offered tips for IROs to better tell their equity story in turbulent market times, including

  • Understanding market sentiment in times of economic uncertainty
  • What factors are critical for companies to consider to attract new capital
  • How companies utilize investor perception to shape their equity story
  • Buy-side outlook and priorities for IROs ahead


  • Thomas Kudsk Larsen, SVP Head of Communication & Investor Relations, Sobi
  • Andy Schnyder, Partner, zCapital AG
  • Arnas Kulnys, Nasdaq Global Perception

Moderated by Patrick Hughes, Director at Nasdaq IR Intelligence

Hosted by Hazel Winchester, Board Member of the IR club Schweiz


powered by Nasdaq Corporate Solutions

9.00 – 18.00 UHR

CIRA-Jahreskonferenz 2022

Hilton Vienna Park, Am Stadtpark 1, 1030 Wien

Der CIRA - CERCLE INVESTOR RELATIONS AUSTRIA lädt zur Jahreskonferenz am 12. Oktober 2022 ein – vor Ort im Hilton Vienna Park, Am Stadtpark 1 in Wien.

Dieses Jahr steht die Teilnahme nebst CIRA-Mitgliedern exklusiv auch Mitgliedern des IR club Schweiz offen.

Die CIRA-Jahreskonferenz ist alljährlich einer der Höhepunkte für Kapitalmarktinteressierte in Österreich. Mit rund 300 Besucher:innen und etwa 40 hochkarätigen Referent:innen ist die einmal im Jahr stattfindende Konferenz ein renommierter Treffpunkt für Kapitalmarktspezialist:innen in Österreich. In zahlreichen Workshops und Podiumsdiskussionen werden die aktuellen Entwicklungen rund um Investor Relations diskutiert – eine IR-Fachmesse informiert zusätzlich über aktuelle Trends am Kapitalmarkt. Für jene Gäste, die nicht vor Ort sein können, übertragen wir die Panel-Runden live im Internet. Im Anschluss an den Konferenztag findet ab 18:00 Uhr ein Festakt inkl. Verleihung des Austrian Financial Communications Awards 2021 statt.

Die Konferenz beginnt um 9:00 Uhr mit dem Vortrag „Wer simuliert denn hier?“ des Simulationsforschers Niki Popper.

Im Laufe des Tages befassen sich die Teilnehmenden dann mit folgenden Themengebieten:

  • Herausforderungen 2023 – Wohin geht die Reise?
  • Veranlagung im Inflationsumfeld
  • Anforderungen an die Berichterstattung
  • EU-Taxonomie: Blick zurück und nach vorne
  • Da führt kein Weg vorbei – neue, digitale Investor Relations
  • ESG: Bürokratietiger oder Rettungsschirm
  • Wie könnte die HV der Zukunft aussehen?
  • Rechts-Update zum Kapitalmarkt
  • Jung, modern und nachhaltig: Generation Z und deren Einfluss auf Investor Relations

Wir schließen den Konferenztag mit einem DACH-Expertentalk ab 18:00 Uhr über den „Kapitalmarkt im Wandel“. Außerdem werden wieder die „Austrian Financial Communications Awards“ vergeben und danach gibt es noch eine musikalische Überraschung! Die Details zum Programm werden in dein nächsten Tagen veröffentlicht und sind auf unserer Konferenzhomepage ersichtlich.

Für all jene, die schon am Vorabend (11.10.2022) anreisen, laden wir zu einem Cocktail-Empfang ein. Details folgen!

Am Morgen der Jahreskonferenz (12.10.2022) dann um 7:30 Uhr für alle Sportbegeisterten: CIRA läuft. (Treffpunkt in der Hotel-Lobby um 7:15 Uhr)

Hier können Sie sich bereits jetzt für die Teilnahme an der Konferenz registrieren.

Bitte registrieren Sie sich auch, wenn Sie nur abends dabei sein werden oder nur tagsüber vereinzelte Vorträge besuchen möchten bzw. gerne online zusehen würden. 

Mitglieder des IR-Club Schweiz profitieren von einer reduzierten Teilnahmegebühr von 100 Euro.

Hotelzimmer benötigt? Hier gibt es 15% Discount auf die aktuell verfügbare Hilton-Rate.

Falls Sie Fragen zum Event haben, steht Ihnen Elis Karner ( | +436648403033) gerne zur Verfügung.


IR Magazine Forum - Europe

In-person and virtual: Paris Marriott Champs Elysees Hotel, France

We are joining IR Magazine this October in Paris for the IR Magazine Forum – Europe!

In a new approach designed to provide fact-based insights, the IR Magazine Forum – Europe on October 6, will present statistics and findings from IR Magazine’s extensive research reports. The data from more than 1,000 IR and investor responses will underpin each conversation about how to solve the challenges that IR teams face today.

Register on or before September 2 to save £400 off the pass price PLUS our 20% exclusive member discount, just enter code: IRCLUBCH20 at checkout.

Topics the forum cover are:

  • Understanding the impact of IR trends
  • Improving roadshows & corporate access approaches
  • What changes with ESG in a downcycle
  • Enhancing your digital IR offering Earnings call best practices
  • Adapting targeting & engagement in a bear market
  • Developing your IR career
  • The evolution of investor relations

Nothing compares to the buzz of entering a packed-out room full of your IR peers. Expect to attend roundtable discussions, networking sessions, and in-depth panel talks about investor relations’ most pressing issues.

Sign up today to join fellow IROs from EXEL Industries, Zorlu Enerji Elektrik Uretim, Banco Santander, Pandox, OTP Bank, SUSE, Innate Pharma who have already signed up!

In-person seats are limited, so book now to avoid disappointment.


4.00 P.M. - 6.00 P.M. (followed by an aperitif riche)

Hybrid AGMs according to the new Swiss Corporation Law

Kultur- und Kongresszentrum Luzern (KKL), Europaplatz 1, 6005 Luzern

When the new Swiss Corporation Law comes into force in 2023, extensive new requirements and opportunities will arise, including the execution of general meetings. In this context, issuers are just as challenged as shareholder services providers.

In addition to the legal aspects, these current developments bring into focus the question of which IT frameworks will enable a smooth handling of annual general meetings. In particular, this involves the concrete implementation of all use scenarios where physical and online AGMs are held at the same time.

This event will be held in cooperation with our gold partner Devigus and Auviso AG and addresses the topic of hybrid AGMs according to the new Swiss Corporation Law with an interactive live demo, a presentation on legal considerations and a panel discussion with various corporate experts. Register now!



  • Arturo Devigus, CEO, Devigus Engineering AG
  • Dr. iur. Daniel Häusermann, LL.M, Attorney-at-law, Homburger AG

Experts panel discussion

  • David Frick, Secretary of the Board of Directors, Nestlé SA
  • Chris Menth, Head Shareholder Engagement, Swiss Re AG
  • Tabea Bürgler, General Counsel, Bossard Holding AG
  • Andreas Umbach, Chairman Landis+Gyr AG and SIG Group


We are very pleased to invite you to this unique event.



powered by


4.30 P.M. - 6.15 P.M. (followed by an aperitif and Networking)

Digital, simple and efficient - Next level investor relations

Westhive, Hardturmstrasse 161, 8005 Zurich

Digitalization has now fully arrived in the investor relations sector and remains an important, constantly evolving topic, even after the additional boost from the Corona pandemic. This is shown on the one hand by last year's survey "Paradigm Shift in IR: Focus on Digital Interaction with Capital Markets" and on the other hand by the constant need for increased efficiency, innovative workflows and digital tools for the investor relations and communication officers of a company.

But what specific trends can be expected in the short to medium term? What are the important developments coming from abroad for Swiss companies? Edwin van der Geest, Senior Partner at Dynamics Group, provided an up-to-date overview in these developments and best practice approaches for modern corporate news distribution. Dynamics Group consists of long-standing specialists in the field of corporate communications, both at the strategic and operational level. In addition, Edwin van der Geest offered food for thought on the equity story of a listed company. How can an equity story be sharpened for the different needs of different stakeholders, so that it clearly shows why investors should invest in your company?

In the second program item, we got an exciting insight from Marjorie Jochims, who is Senior Corporate Brand Communications Manager at Zur Rose Group, a digital health technology group. She shared with participants the decision-making process of the recent website relaunch, explained the main reasons why Zur Rose Group questioned the setup of its website, how the existing IR website was implmented and shed light on the topic of design and corporate branding in this context.

Alexandra Engesser, Investor Relations Manager at Baloise Group, gave insight into how the company uses a storytelling approach to make complex content accessible to heterogeneous audiences. Using a concrete example, she showed how Baloise turned the innovation story into a gamified and interactive ‘scrollytelling’ website, making the Baloise innovation approach, ecosystem logic and defined goals easy to understand, both internally and externally.

To round off the event, we held a panel discussion with experts on the topics of the keynotes, discussed the impact of the Corona pandemic on the importance of the IR website and offered participants the opportunity to ask questions.



Alexandra Engesser, Investor Relations Manager, Baloise Group


Since joining Baloise in mid-2019, Alexandra Engesser has contributed to shaping the corporate strategy and capital market communication towards analysts and investors.

Alongside her role as an Investor Relations Manager, she is jointly responsible for the S&P credit rating process and activities in the field of corporate finance.

Alexandra holds a Master’s degree in Business and Economics from the University of Basel and an MAS in Finance from the University of Zurich.



Marjorie Jochims, Senior Corporate Brand Communications Manager, Zur Rose Group


Marjorie Jochims is a goal-driven communicator with more than 8 years of experience in listed e-commerce and technology companies.

She has been rethinking strategic brand communications at the Zur Rose Group since the beginning of 2022.

Prior to that she worked in corporate communications at Zalando SE, Deutsche Bahn AG, Xing SE and Beiersdorf AG.


Edwin van der Geest, Senior Partner, Dynamics Group


Edwin van der Geest is an advisor for individuals and companies with specialization in the fields of public relations, media and finance.

He supports numerous listed companies and their bodies in terms of positioning within the capital market and interactions with the financial community.

Additionally, he has extensive experience in the field of capital market activities, IPOs, secondaries (equity- & debt), public takeovers and proxy fights.

As an active investor, he is familiar with the mechanisms and requirements of the private equity industry.

Edwin van der Geest holds a master’s degree in History and Economics from the University of Zurich.







  • 16.00 Door Opening
  • 16.30 Welcome
  • 16.40 Equity story for different stakeholders and outlook into the IR world of tomorrow
  • 17.00 The importance of the IR website: Why you should regularly challenge your existing setup
  • 17.20 The view of Baloise
  • 17.40 Panel discussion and Q&A
  • 18.15 In person networking with refreshing drink and delicious food


powered by

Thursday, july 7, 2022 FROM 5PM

30 years IR club - Summer Celebration

Belvoir Ruderclub, Mythenquai 85, 8002 Zurich

This event is only open to members and partners of the IR club Schweiz.

Over the last 30 years a lot has changed for IR professionals. Today, the challenges facing IR professionals are larger and developing faster than ever: digitalization, changes in regulations and the COVID-19 pandemic with all its implications - just to name a few. The IR club continues to develop its activities to help and support the IR community in facing these challenges.

To celebrate not only the anniversary of the IR club but also all the IR professionals and partners in our community that support the purpose of the IR club, we hosted a summer celebration at the Ruderclub in Zurich on July 7, 2022. It was lovely to see so many of our members and partners join the festivities.



IR Magazine Awards - Europe

In-person event: 8 Northumberland Avenue, London

This year we are proud to support IR Magazine Awards – Europe, Thursday, June 23, 2022. The nominations are free to enter, and will close at midnight (GMT) on Friday, March 4, 2022.

Start nomination

Why enter the awards?


  • Brand awareness and increased credibility
    Awards are a valuable asset within your marketing toolkit. Being shortlisted can improve brand awareness and promote your business to new customers, and can even act as a third-party endorsement for your business.

  • Help raise the bar for excellence
    Our winners provide a range of amazing examples of investor relations best practices. We look at individuals and companies across market caps to make sure we find the best and latest examples of those leading and inspiring the community.

  • Open doors and invite new opportunities
    Our last winners have been able to justify increased budgets for their communication programs, found better prospects when recruiting resources, have increased credibility within the community, received increased visibility within their company and not least – enjoyed better career opportunities.

  • Play to your strengths
    There are a variety of different categories – pick one that’s best for you from best crisis management, best retail IR strategy, best ESG reporting, rising star and many more!

  • It’s free and easy
    It’s free for anyone to enter and you can submit as many entries in as many categories as you like, so you have nothing to lose for acknowledging a person or organization you feel truly deserves it. The submission form is accessible online and easy to fill out.


You can start your nomination now and add the finishing touches later, so why not set up your profile today?

For more information on the awards, download the entry pack. It is filled with articles from past awards.

June 21, 2022

IR Society Conference 2022 - New Horizons: Staying Agile and Adaptable in a Transforming World


This year's IR Society conference focuses on the major prevailing and future potential issues, trends, opportunities and challenges facing IROs in an evolving operating environment.

From big picture themes, including sustainability, technology and innovation, to practical tips relating to day-to-day IR activities, the conference will provide attendees with access to a range of views from across the investment community, as well as real life examples and experiences of IROs working for companies across a variety of sectors.

Ultimately, through these different perspectives, the event aims to support IROs, as they stay agile and adaptable in a transforming world. As usual the conference will feature the regular keynote interviews, panel discussions and breakout sessions, the exhibitor showcase and invaluable opportunities to network with industry peers.


Find more information on the conference here.


Members of the IR club Schweiz can benefit from a 20% discount on ticket prices. Contact us at to recieve your personal discount code.

19.–20. JUNI 2023

26. DIRK-Konferenz 2023 (German)

Steigenberger Airport Hotel Frankfurt

Im Juni 2023 veranstaltet der Deutsche Investor Relations Verband die 26. DIRK-Konferenz unter dem Motto "Disruptive Zeiten - IR gibt Orientierung" in Frankfurt am Main.

Bei der jährlichen DIRK-Konferenz diskutieren über zwei Tage bis zu 400 internationale Entscheidungsträger aus der Wirtschafts- und Finanzkommunikation in über 20 Workshops, Vorträgen und Podiumsdiskussionen in deutscher und englischer Sprache über wichtige Entwicklungen im IR-Bereich.

Hier gehts zum Programm


Als IR club-Mitglied profitieren Sie von einem attraktiven Rabatt auf den Ticketspreis. Sie erhalten einen Zwei-Tages-Pass für 390 Euro (anstatt 990 Euro).

Jetzt anmelden!

20.–21. JUNI 2022

25. DIRK-Konferenz 2022 (German)


Nicht nur der IR club Schweiz sondern auch der Deutsche Investor Relations Verband feiert 2022 ein Jubiläum: 25 Jahre DIRK-Konferenz.

Die Jubiläumskonferenz bietet an beiden Tagen altbewährte Formate in Form von Keynotes, Diskussionsrunden und Case Studies, einer Fachausstellung sowie parallele Workshop-Sessions zu den unterschiedlichsten IR-Themen unter dem Motto

Nachhaltigkeits-Reporting statt Kapitalmarkstory?
Befreiungsschlag oder Schwitzkasten

Zum feierlichen Abschluss sind alle Anwesenden zum gesetzten Gala-Dinner eingeladen. In diesem festlichen Rahmen werden auch die Gewinner des „Deutschen IR-Preises 2022" gekürt.


Die Teilnahme an der DIRK-Mitgliederversammlung steht nebst DIRK-Mitgliedern exklusiv auch Mitgliedern des IR club Schweiz zum Sonderpreis von 350 Euro offen (Normalpreis 900 Euro).


Weitere Infos finden sie auf der Webseite des DIRK.

MONDAY, JUNE 13, 2022

13th Geschäftsberichte-Symposium
"Show Value, Build Trust"


At the GDI Rüschlikon/Zurich

Digital pass with livestream and replay

Climate change, digitalization, new regulations and increasing demands from stakeholders: At the "point of no return", companies are faced with a wide range of demands. Against this backdrop, how can companies credibly explain that they are creating value today and in the future, and thus gain the trust of their stakeholders?

At the 13th annual Geschäftsberichte-Symposium on June 13, 2022, experts from business and academia will provide insights into the topic under the motto:

«Show Value, Build Trust»

Look forward to a wealth of insights at the Geschäftsberichte-Symposium 2022, get inspired by international experts and discuss issues with your peers in the sessions.The complete program with international best practice cases and renowned speakers as well as the registration form can be found via the link below.

IR club Schweiz members will benefit from a 20% discount.


Find more information here

4.00–5.30 P.M.

Annual General Meeting IR club Schweiz

Video conference

The Annual General Meeting 2022 will be held virtually.


Register here

Registration will be open to IR club Schweiz members only. The main contact person per member company will receive a personalised link to the voting in the invitation email. Many thanks to our Gold Partner Devigus who will provide us with their professional voting platform.





Annual General Meeting (AGM)
moderated by Lorna Davie, President



Presentation by our Gold Partner Chorus Call on "IR engagements: Seamless transition
to digital in a post pandemic world"









Carmen Vece-Sánchez is Chorus Call Switzerland's General Manager and has held this position since July 2013. She has been with Chorus Call since 2003 and has 19 years of international telecommunication experience. Carmen was born in La Chaux-de-Fonds, Switzerland, in 1974. She graduated with a Commercial degree from Commerce Center Professional (Ceff Commerce), Switzerland and also followed a professional training course in Sales and Marketing Coordinator from the KRM School (Switzerland).



Supported by

9 A.M. – 5 P.M.

Digitale DIRK-Mitgliederversammlung 2022 (in German)


Im Rahmen unserer Partnerschaft mit dem DIRK freuen wir uns, unseren Mitgliedern exklusiv Zugang zur DIRK-Mitgliederversammlung am 4. März 2022 zu ermöglichen.

Themen, die unter anderem besprochen werden:

  • Taxonomie-Berichterstattung und Überarbeitung der CSR-Richtlinie
  • Shortseller-Attacke - und jetzt? Die Bewältigung des Angriffs auf GRENKE und Erkenntnisse für IR-Profis
  • Ausblick: Welche Gesetze und Regulierungen uns in 2022 erwarten
  • Zukunft der virtuellen Hauptversammlung
  • DAX40 – Aufstiegsfreude oder Aufstiegsfrust?
  • Mehr Wert im Kapitalmarkt – Was macht der DIRK?

Interessierte Mitglieder des IR club Schweiz können sich als Gast auf der Registrationsplattform des DIRK für die Mitgliederversammlung anmelden.

March 1-2, 2022

Fundamentals of Investor Relations (English only)


Fundamentals of Investor Relations is the leading IR education program for those new to the profession or considering a career change, or those in affiliate roles who need to better understand the investor relations function.

Ramp-up your IR skillsets and join the alumni group of over 10,000 professionals around the world who have taken this introductory course offered by NIRI. This is the must-attend virtual 2-day workshop to begin your journey in the field of investor relations.

The comprehensive IR seminar offering a structured overview of all aspects of investor relations, including:

  • Marketing
  • Communication
  • Finance

IR club Schweiz members can benefit from a special discount. Contact us at

More information and registration


ESG Integration Forum Europe

In-person and virtual: Leonardo Royal Hotel Tower Bridge, London

This year we are proud to partner with IR Magazine and Corporate Secretary for the upcoming ESG Integration Forum – Europe on March 1. This year's forum will bring together experts from Europe and is the ultimate place to learn about developments around expectations related to environmental, social and governance factors… and this year, we are back in person!

As a partner, we can offer you a discount code, for you to get 20% off the pass price. Contact us at to receive your code.

What to expect at this hybrid event

  • Learn about the role of companies in the era of stakeholder capitalism and understand how stakeholder capitalism is shaping regulation, expectations of public companies and the impact it could have on incoming legislation.
  • Discuss the impact of the ISSB on sustainability reporting and ensure that your systems and processes are up-to-speed with the latest developments in ESG reporting.
  • Benchmark your climate reporting practices against leading companies by hearing about how other companies implement TCFD reporting and approach climate-related targets.
  • Learn how to measure your societal contribution and discover the social factors your stakeholders and investors are most interested in this year.
  • Amplify your ESG story share best practices about communicating your ESG-related initiatives, performance and policies.
  • Learn about the ESG issues that investors are most interested in this year and have your questions answered during our live investor Q&A.

Join us at the ESG Integration Forum – Europe to make sure you’re best placed to take on the newest ESG-related challenges that issuers face.

Register here


Interested in an IR Magazine subscription? We are happy to offer an exclusive discount to all IR Club Switzerland members. Please get in touch with for more information.


12th IR Summit "On the Road Again"


Kepler Cheuvreux's 12th IR Summit took place on December 9th, 2021. They co hosted the event with Euronext, as well as many IR associations. The theme was: “On the Road Again”.

The event featured panels of Heads of IRs, CIOs and experts sharing their views on the latest evolutions of investor relations in the post COVID world. It was also a unique opportunity to hear the views of keynote speakers on ESG, the economic outlook and the latest capital markets trends.

Programme Overview


Powered by Kepler Cheuvreux and Euronext




Tuesday, December 7, 2021

How to take on ESG - for all levels of expertise


Where does your company stand? How do investors see your company and where do they gather their information? Which research is relevant and which impact does it have?

In this webinar Matthias Berninger presented the ESG journey of BAYER and how the company has taken on the challenge of ESG, what worked and what was important. Christine Chow provided insights on the investment process and showed how HSBC evaluate the disclosure amongst other factors. Christine shared some examples and gave hands-on advice.

The session was moderated by Patrick Tobias, representative of IHS Markit for Switzerland and hosted by Hazel Winchester, board member of the IR club Schweiz. Participants had the opportunity to actively partake in a Q&A after the moderated discussion.

The event was a great insight for all levels of expertise!


Matthias Berninger, SVP Public Affairs, Science & Sustainability, BAYER

Matthias joined Bayer in January 2019 as Senior Vice President for Public Affairs, Science & Sustainability.

In his role, he has strengthened Bayer's global public affairs practice and leads the development of a coherent global sustainability strategy published in

December 2019. Since 2020, an independent external Sustainability Council is in force and advises the Bayer Board of Management on the consistent implementation of the company's sustainability goals.



Christine Chow, Head of Stewardship, HSBC Asset Management

Christine is a Board Member of the International Corporate Governance Network (ICGN) and was appointed honorary adviser to the Financial Reporting Council (FRC) Hong Kong in April 2021.

She has 25 years' experience in investment management, research and consulting, with a focus on technology and sustainability.

Prior to joining HSBC, she was executive director in charge of ESG advisory and integration at IHS Markit and the global head of technology, Asia and emerging markets at Federated Hermes, EOS.



Patrick Tobias, Director, Issuer Solutions Sales, IHS Markit

Toby has been with IHS Markit and Ipreo for 10 years servicing clients in the capital markets in Central Europe.

His focus are services around Investor Relations, Creditor Relations and ESG.

Before joining IHS Markit he worked for ThomsonReuters in a number of roles.



powered by IHS Markit

THUrsday, December 1 - friday,

December 2, 2021



This year we are proud to partner with IR Magazine and Corporate Secretary for the upcoming ESG Integration Forum US 2021 (December 1 & 2, Virtual). This year's forum will bring together experts from North America to help issuers develop an integrated approach when responding to investor expectations in 2022.


Discussions at the event include

  • Staying ahead of the SEC on reporting and disclosure
  • A cost-benefit analysis on assured ESG data
  • An introduction to dynamic materiality
  • A guide to automating ESG reporting
  • ESG for small and mid-cap companies
  • Understanding ESG and fixed income
  • The who, what, where, how, and when of ESG engagement
  • The role of companies in the race to net-zero
  • How to facilitate board oversight on ESG
  • Getting the right metrics for social, human capital, and diversity factors
  • Ask me anything: An investor Q&A


The ESG Integration Forum will help you keep up-to-date on all the trends and regulatory changes and understand how best to plan your ESG program for the year ahead. Join over 350 IR, governance and sustainability professionals in December to make sure that you are equipped to take on the newest ESG-related challenges.

As a partner, we can offer you a discount code, for you to get 60% off the pass price. Simply contact us at to receive your code.

Register here


Traditional Chlaushöck

Loft Five, Europaallee 15, 8004 Zürich

This event is only open to IR club Schweiz members.

After members of the IR club Schweiz had to do without any physical events for almost two years, we were very pleased to hold our year-end event, the traditional Chlaushöck physically again this winter.

For many of us, the past two years were challenging – in business as well as our private lives. With this year’s Chlaushöck we provided a relaxed atmosphere and space for our members to connect, network and enjoy each other’s company.

Our joint gold partners SWIPRA Services & Morrow Sodali hosted the event and talked about latest trends and challenges with a view to the upcoming AGM season 2022. The evening was enriched by a delicious flying dinner offered by SWIPRA Services & Morrow Sodali.

We loved seeing everyone at Loft Five in Zurich and enjoyed toasting with our members to the upcoming AGM season 2022.



powered by Morrow Sodali & SWIPRA

THURSDAY, November 18, 2021

10.15 am – 04.30 PM (CET)



This year we were proud to partner with IR Magazine and Corporate Secretary for the ESG Integration Forum - Europe on November 18. This year's forum brought together experts from Europe and was the ultimate place to keep up-to-date on all trends, regulatory changes and understand how best to plan your ESG program.

Agenda topics inlcuded

  • The impact of Corporate Social Responsiblity Directive on ESG disclosures
  • ESG reporting: Getting to grips with double materiality
  • Co-operation or conflict: The changing dialogue between issuers and investors
  • Climate action: How will COP26 impact investing and corporate reporting
  • Quantifying social impact
  • Best practices when telling your ESG story

Tuesday, OCTOBER 5, 2021

3.30 P.M. (CET)

Buyside Bonanza Event


This event is only open to Investor Relations professionals.

This unique event format offered all IROs the perfect opportunity to exchange views with selected representatives from the Buyside in an exclusive setting. We were delighted to welcome seven top-class Buyside panelists from BlackRock, Capital Group, Fidelity International, Fidelity Management & Research, Norges Bank Investment Mgmt, T. Rowe Price and Wellington Management.

Our Buyside Panelists


Valentina Barnfather is European Head of Corporate Access at Capital Group having joined in March 2019. She has over 12 years of corporate access experience gained whilst working on the sell-side at Redburn. Before that she was an equity analyst at J.P.Morgan having first qualified as an Chartered Accountant with KPMG. She holds a master’s degree in Psychology from the University of Edinburgh. Valentina is based in London.


Karen Harley is a Corporate Access Manager at Fidelity Management & Research Company (FMR Co.), the investment advisor for Fidelity’s family of mutual funds. Fidelity Investments is a leading provider of investment management, retirement planning, portfolio guidance, brokerage, benefits outsourcing and other financial products and services to more than 20 million individuals, institutions and financial intermediaries.


Patricia Lefranc is Global Head of Corporate Access at Fidelity International, based in London. Patricia was previously Head of Corporate Access, EMEA, at J.P. Morgan and UBS. Patricia was also Head of Investor Relations at Orange SA. Patricia holds a European Master in BA from ESCP Europe.


Caroline Preston is a vice president of T. Rowe Price International Ltd and is Corporate Access Manager in the Equity Division. In this role, Caroline is responsible for establishing and implementing in-house corporate access strategies in partnership with the investment professionals for EMEA and APAC. Caroline has over 18 years’ experience in Financial Services, and prior to joining T. Rowe Price she was Executive Director at J. P. Morgan Securities within the EMEA Corporate Access team. She earned a BA (Hons) in French and Politics from the University of Bristol.


Hugo Sanders is the director of Corporate Access and Research Services. He is responsible for building out and overseeing a global corporate access and research services function for Wellington Management. This involves the coordination and management of access to corporates and experts globally in partnership with investors. It also includes on- and off-site meetings, site visits, conference calls, roadshows, investment conferences and bespoke field trips. Hugo also represents the firm to investor relations contacts when appropriate. In addition, he oversees the research services and data teams which manage the full life cycle of external research providers and market data providers including procurement, negotiation of services, due diligence, evaluation and relationship management.



Ellie Tinto is Head of the Corporate Solutions Team for BlackRock EMEA. Corporate Solutions sits in the BlackRock Capital Markets group (BCM). Covering the full spectrum of public and private markets, BCM offers a centralized function for sourcing and syndication, financing, co-investment and corporate solutions activities. Ellie has 16 years’ experience of working in corporate access, beginning with her role as an originator at Société Générale in London. She joined Sanofi Investor Relations team in 2010 where she was tasked with driving European and US investor engagement through targeting and strategic outreach.


Edward Young is Head of Corporate Access at Norges Bank Investment Management. He joined NBIM in July 2017 after 10 years on the sell-side across Equity Capital Markets and Advisory roles at both Barclays and RBS. Ed has a Bachelor’s Degree in Modern Languages from the University of Bristol.

This event was held in collaboration with the investor relations associations of Spain (AERI) and Italy (AIR).


IR club Schweiz was supported by wtv to deliver this online meeting.

Thursday, September 23, 2021

10.30 am – 04.00 PM (ET)

IR Magazine Forum – Small Cap

Emerging stronger from the pandemic & maximizing visibility


As the economy recovers, small-cap sensitivity to economic change offers the potential for positive growth and a new strategy in the coming months. Staying agile, dealing with uncertainty and harnessing new digital skills are key to operating in the new climate.

The IR Magazine Forum – Small Cap 2021 is designed specifically to help small and micro-cap issuers establish the best possible IR program as the economy recovers.

It is a best practice event which focuses on effective shareholder communications attended by CEOs, CFOs and IROs from small and micro-cap companies spanning multiple industries. This one-day virtual forum focuses on the unique issues affecting small cap companies.

Hear from small-cap investors and issuers on the new approach to maximizing visibility and engaging analysts how to overcome budgetary constraints for ESG and targeting and the industry consensus on in-person meetings over the coming months.

Find more information on the agenda, speakers and how to book, on the IR Magazine Website.

THURSDAY, september 16, 2021

Investor Engagement in uncertain times


While COVID-19 remains an unwieldly challenge in most regions around the world, a growing number of IR professionals are keen to leverage in-person engagement to more effectively cultivate and nurture long-term relationships with high-priority strategic investors. This webinar discussion covered how corporates can be better prepared to meet the challenges of attracting long term capital from the International & Generalist population in the “new normal” world.  Topics discussed included:

  • Attracting capital from generalist population
  • Messaging around guidance/forecasts and macroeconomic headwinds
  • Attracting capital from international markets
  • Managing corporate access in a new virtual world
  • Understanding and navigating the ESG landscape in relation to investment capital.



  John Gilmore, Stewardship & ESG Specialist  

  Martin Currie


  Neal Howell, Head of Investor Engagement EMEA

  Nasdaq IR Intelligence

Moderated by Patrick Hughes, Director at Nasdaq IR Intelligence

Hosted by Lorna Davie, President at IR club Schweiz



powered by Nasdaq

Donnerstag, 9. September 2021

DIRK-Workshop Digitale IR-Trends 2021

MS Teams

Der Sommer 2020 wird allen IR Managern im Gedächtnis bleiben: Geschäftsberichte werden aus dem Homeoffice realisiert, Hauptversammlungen und Konferenzen werden ins Internet verlegt. Prozesse in der Zusammenarbeit kommen durch Cloud-Systeme plötzlich ohne Papier, Kopierer oder Drucker aus. Meetings und Abstimmungen bedürfen keiner Raumreservierung mehr, sondern finden kurz und knapp als Videokonferenzen statt.

Bei allen Herausforderungen, die wir als Gesellschaft gerade meistern müssen, hat die aktuelle Krise auch viele positive Seiten, die unsere Zukunft prägen werden. Schneller als gedacht finden sich Lösungen, die vorher nicht oder nur in ferner Zukunft denkbar waren. Covid-19 treibt derzeit das Thema Digitalisierung im Unternehmen stärker voran als alles andere, was je in Konzernen versucht wurde!

Der virtuelle Workshop „Digitale IR-Trends“, veranstaltet vom DIRK – Deutscher Investor Relations Verband in Zusammenarbeit mit den Experten von NetFederation, gibt Antworten auf die drängendsten Zukunftsfragen nach Megatrends, deren Einfluss auf die moderne Finanzkommunikation und die Herausforderungen der Digitalen Transformation.

Mehr Informationen zum Event


Securing Shareholder Support – understanding investor expectations; demonstrating alignment


Join David Chase Lopes (Managing Director, D.F. King Ltd, EMEA) and the IR club Switzerland as we explore the increasing levels of shareholder dissent at AGMs and other corporate actions and explore ways to develop deeper ties with investors and garner their support through clear alignment.

Together with Antje Stobbe, Head of Stewardship, who leads Allianz Global Investors’ engagement and proxy voting activities globally, Eric Sibbern, Senior Partner and Managing Director at Veraison and Michele Matlock, Senior Investor Relations Officer and Group Rating Agency Relationship Manager at Zurich Insurance, we look at the current situation and what impacts shareholder decision making.

The webinar starts at 3 pm. CET.




Dr. Antje Stobbe

Antje Stobbe is Head of Stewardship and in this capacity leading Allianz Global Investors’ engagement and proxy voting activities globally. She also co-leads the climate engagement with outcome approach that aims to engage with companies on the climate transition pathway towards a low carbon economy.​ Since she joined Allianz Global Investors on 1 April, 2019 as a Senior ESG analyst she has been focusing on corporate governance and proxy voting for Germany and Austria in particular.

Before joining AllianzGI in 2019, Antje was Head of Stakeholder Management in the Investor Relations team at Deutsche Bank since 2013. In this role, she led the corporate governance dialogue with the bank’s top investors and managed the proxy campaign ahead of Deutsche Bank’s General Meeting. Antje also served as the key contact for investors on ESG topics. Before that, she held different management positions in the Research team of Deutsche Bank from 1997 to 2013. ​

Antje holds a PhD in economics from the University of Jena (Germany).


Eric Sibbern

Eric Sibbern is senior partner at VERAISON Capital, an independent asset manager based in Zurich, Switzerland investing in publicly listed small- and mid-cap companies, where long-term value can be enhanced through active shareholder engagement.

He has more than 15 years of experience in M&A, corporate governance and shareholder engagement. He worked at international law firms in Zurich and New York and as director in the M&A/Corporate Development team at Credit Suisse.

Eric holds a master degree in law from the University of Zurich and a master degree in Banking and Finance from the University of St. Gallen (HSG) and Michigan, Ann Arbor (USA).


Michèle Matlock is a Senior Officer in Investors Relations at Zurich Insurance, specialised on governance, remuneration and sustainability issues. She is also the Group Rating Agency Manager, coordinating credit rating agencies assessments of the group and its rated subsidiaries.

Before joining Zurich in 2008, she held various senior finance positions in the banking and reinsurance industries.

She has master degrees in International relations and Economics from Sciences-po Paris and University Paris-Dauphine and is a US Certified Management accountant. 


David Chase Lopes

David joined Orient Capital in July 2010 and since his arrival, his team have overseen a significant number of shareholder communication mandates.  Before joining OC, David enjoyed successful leadership positions at Salisbury Associates and Georgeson.  David worked in investment banking from 1992 to 2005 at Deutsche Bank and Société Générale.  He holds an MA from Columbia University, completed a BA Hons from l’Institut d’Etudes Politiques de Paris and graduated Magna Cum Laude from Hamilton College.  He is professionally qualified with the Certificate in Corporate Finance from the CISI and is an FSA-approved individual.  He is a member of France’s CLIFF (including its Corporate Governance Board), the UK IR Society, Germany’s DIRK and the ICGN. He speaks regularly on corporate governance and shareholder engagement internationally. In 2014 David was chosen as MD to lead the proxy business of D.F. King (the new name for OC’s proxy activity).

powered by orient capital / D.F. King


11 A.M. – 3 P.M. (SWISS TIME)

IR Magazine Forum – Equality in IR



Join the IR Magazine Forum – Equality in IR on June 30, online, to take part in discussions and hear from expert speakers on the biggest issues and trends in 2021. With the help of expert speakers and those leading the charge at public companies, the event will include extensive debates, hands-on mentoring sessions and practical advice on how to build a more inclusive IR community at a professional level, while on a personal level it will cover how to negotiate new responsibilities and move up the ladder.

Find more information on the agenda, speakers and how to book, on the website

IR club Schweiz members benefit from a 60% discount on tickets. Please write to us if you are interested and we will give you the discount code for the registration.

If you have any questions, email or call the IR Magazine team on +44 20 8004 5340.


12th Geschäftsberichte-Symposium
"Navigating the stakeholder jungle"

Upon invitation at the GDI Rüschlikon/Zurich
Digital pass with livestream and replay

Sustainability and digitalization are the two megatrends fundamentally transforming society and the economy. The stakeholder approach challenges the long-standing focus on shareholders. Clear objectives and a coherent strategy towards achieving them are the best prerequisites for discussions with diverse stakeholders.

«Navigating the stakeholder jungle» was the main theme of the 12th Geschäftsberichte-Symposium on June 23, 2021, which was held for the first time as a hybrid event.

IR club Schweiz members benefited from a 20% discount for the digital pass.

To the review

21.–22. JUNI 2021

24. DIRK-Konferenz 2021 (German)


Die 24. DIRK-Konferenz 2021 fand erstmals im rein digitalen Format statt..

Unter dem Konferenzmotto Are you still on mute? Investor Relations mit Abstand noch besser? wurde zusammen mit dem Publikum u.a. die Frage erörtert, welche Auswirkungen die Corona-Krise auf die tägliche IR-Arbeit hat und welche Chancen in diesen Veränderungen liegen (können).

Neben spannenden Keynotes bot die DIRK-Konferenz auch wieder Paneldiskussionen, Vorträge und parallele Workshops-Sessions zu den aktuellsten IR-Themen: von ESG über die digitale Transformation bis zur virtuellen Hauptversammlung.

Die Teilnahme an der DIRK-Mitgliederversammlung stand nebst DIRK-Mitgliedern exklusiv auch Mitgliedern des IR club Schweiz offen.

Mehr Informationen

JUNE 14–18, 2021

UK IR Society Annual Conference and Festival of IR 2021


IR and the purpose-driven business

The Covid-impacted environment has accelerated the need for companies to have a clear vision of their purpose and sometimes to revisit and potentially adjust it. Purpose revolves around ensuring sustainable future performance as well as corporate raison d’etre. Whilst the past year has been a testing one for all, companies now must learn from that experience and invest to drive growth, whilst building business resilience for an uncertain future environment. This year’s event will take a look at the challenges and opportunities companies face including the growing impact of ESG in all its dimensions. The plenary sessions will address all of these themes, from the 'big-picture' trends, real world examples of purpose in action and investor perspectives, through to hands on advice for IR practitioners as their roles continue to evolve.

The Festival of IR is a five-day programme of seminars, panel discussions, roundtables and networking with practical content for IR professionals at every level of their career.

As a member of IR club Schweiz, we would be delighted to invite you to register for the conference at the same rates as UK IR Society members. Please write to us if you are interested and we will give you the discount code for the registration at UK IR Society. If you have any questions at all please don’t hesitate to contact the UK IR Society on +44 20 7379 1763 or


8.30 A.M. – 4.15 P.M. (SWISS TIME)

IR Magazine Forum – Europe


Join the IR Magazine Forum – Europe on June 10, online, to take part in discussions and hear from expert speakers on the biggest issues and trends in 2021. By June there will be some clarity on the prospects for in-person meetings, but progress across Europe may be fragmented. To help IROs stay agile at this pivotal moment, we will delve into the following agenda topics.

Find more information on the agenda, speakers and how to book, on the website

IR club Schweiz members benefit from a £150 discount on tickets. Please write to us if you are interested and we will give you the discount code for the registration.

If you have any questions, email or call the IR Magazine team on +44 20 8004 5340.


Digital interaction with capital markets, employees and management


How do Swiss companies communicate with the capital market? What digital tools are they using to interact with their stakeholders? And how can digitalization facilitate internal communication of IR data with employees and management?

In the first part of this webinar on May 26, 2021, Sebastian Slania, Senior Investor Relations Manager at Deutsche Post DHl Group, gave insights into internal communication being an integral part of IR at his company. In the second part, Michael Stäheli, Head of Investor Relations & Corporate Communications at PolyPeptide and Board member of the IR club Schweiz, presented the brand new results of our recent survey "Paradigm shift in IR". Which digital IR tools, channels and platforms are used by Swiss listed companies, and which trends are emerging? The webinar was held in English and organized in collaboration with the IR club Schweiz and EQS Group.






Participants dial-in



by Barbara Zäch, Co-CEO, Center for Corporate Reporting (CCR)



Using modern digital visualization tools to get the IR message out to employees and management
Sebastian Slania, Senior Investor Relations Manager, Deutsche Post DHL Group



About the survey «Paradigm shift in IR»
Cédric Baumgartner, Managing Director Switzerland, EQS Group



Presentation of survey results
Michael Stäheli, Group Head Investor Relations & Corporate Communications, PolyPeptide and Board Member of the IR club Schweiz



Panel discussion and Q&A
moderated by Barbara Zäch



by Barbara Zäch




Sebastian Slania has been with Deutsche Post DHL Group for over 15 years, currently in the role of Senior Investor Relations Manager. Prior to that he was Investor Relations manager at MLP AG. He holds a master's degree in Economics from the Maastricht University.


Michael Stäheli has in-depth experience with the positioning of companies in the capital market. Recently he joined PolyPeptide, a global leader in peptide development and manufacturing, as Group Head Investor Relations & Corporate Communications. He previously held the same role at Conzzeta for more than six years.

powered by EQS
in collaboration with the Center for Corporate Reporting (CCR)

4.00–5.30 P.M.

Annual General Meeting IR club Schweiz

Video conference

The Annual General Meeting 2021 was held virtually.

Even though we all miss personal interactions, 2020 was a very successful year for the IR club Schweiz. We were able to more than double our event offerings across a variety of interesting topics on ESG, Virtual AGMs and Investor Engagement to name a few. Compared to previous years, more members attended the events than ever. We are also delighted to be able to welcome ten new members in our association since the beginning of 2020.

After the AGM part, Sebastian Vismara from our new Gold Partner BNY Mellon spoke about opportunities and risks in the US Covid recovery cycle.

As Covid-19 continues to impact economies across the globe, in the US the Biden Administration faces numerous challenges as they implement new policies and legislate to stimulate growth and recovery. Thank you for joining and discussing these geopolitical and economic trends and their impact on global companies.

Sebastian provided an overview of the Biden stimulus plan in the context of broader issues affecting US spending and inflation over the next few years. Additionally, he addressed the expectations for financial markets including an outlook for Federal Reserve policy and action, and different scenarios for the US economy. Our discussion included thoughts on investment implications, including the expected relative performance of value vs growth stocks, small vs large caps, and equities vs corporate credit.

Registration was open to IR club Schweiz members only. The main contact person per member company has received a personalised link to the voting in the invitation email. Many thanks to our new Gold Partner Devigus who provided us with their professional voting platform.





Annual General Meeting (AGM)
moderated by Lorna Davie, President



Presentation by Sebastian Vismara from BNY Mellon:
"Time for Economic Optimism: Opportunities and risks in the US Covid recovery cycle"








Sebastian Vismara is a Macro-Financial Economist in the Global Economics and Investment Analysis team at BNY Mellon Investment Management. His responsibilities include conducting analysis on the global economy, financial markets and investment strategy. Prior to this role, Sebastian spent 5 years at the Bank of England working on global macroeconomic analysis and financial market research.

In his last role he provided macro financial research support for Governor Carney’s international engagements. A native of Italy, Sebastian studied Finance, Economics and International Relations, with a MSc from the London School of Economics and a BSc from the University of Florence in Italy.


supported by BNY Mellon

9 A.M. – 5 P.M.

Digitale DIRK-Mitgliederversammlung 2021 (in German)


Die Teilnahme an der DIRK-Mitgliederversammlung stand nebst DIRK-Mitgliedern exklusiv auch Mitgliedern des IR club Schweiz offen.

Themen, die unter anderem besprochen wurden:

  • Was bedeuten die Änderungen der DAX Index-Methodologie?
  • Welche Vergütungssysteme stellen andere Unternehmen zur Abstimmung nach ARUG II?
  • Wie gestaltet sich das ESEF- und XBRL-Reporting in der Praxis?
  • Was macht einen virtuellen Capital Markets Day erfolgreich?
  • Und welche Lehren kann man aus der letzten HV-Saison für dieses Jahr ziehen?

4.30–6.00 P.M.

Webinar on Morrow Sodali’s Institutional Investor Survey


Morrow Sodali and SWIPRA Services were pleased to invite you to the webinar on Morrow Sodali’s most current Institutional Investor Survey. The survey was conducted for the sixth time and covers the bulk of the global asset management field with most large and influential investors participating across a wide spread of geographies.

On top of identifying important issues and investor views on the upcoming AGM season such as executive remuneration, board engagement and accountability, corporate reporting and the role of activism, this year’s survey addressed the growing importance of ESG and sustainability in investment decisions, and the risks and opportunities that come with it.

In this webinar, Morrow Sodali and SWIPRA Services discussed the key findings of the survey and the implications for the upcoming AGM season and beyond.


The IR club Schweiz was supporting partner of this webinar.


3.30 P.M.

Digitalization of AGMs

Webinar (Microsoft Teams)

Due to the current pandemic situation with the strong trend to avoid mass gatherings ("avoid the crowd") the following questions become more and more central:

  • How to conduct general assemblies in the future?
  • Which legal aspects must be considered?
  • Which technical means are available?
  • Are there shareholder service providers that specialize in digitization?

The company Devigus has been dealing with the topic of digitalization of shareholder services for quite some time. Due to their in-house development, the longtime experience in Shareholder Services, as well as their broad network, Devigus is able to address exactly these questions and needs in depth.

The replay of this webinar is available in our member section.






Christine Kukan, Board Member, IR club Schweiz



Current situation / Federal Council Regulation 3 to combat the coronavirus as the starting signal for further digitalization steps of the General Assembly
Arturo Devigus, CEO, Devigus Engineering AG



Review of the 2020 GM season / Outlook and strategy for future AGM's

Tabea Bürgler, General Counsel, Bossard Group



Digitalization of the AGM in the new stock corporation law
Daniel Häusermann, Attorney at Law, Homburger AG



Synthesis Shareholder Service Digitalization: Presentation of the concrete steps of digitalization with chronological classification
Arturo Devigus, CEO, Devigus Engineering AG



Moderation Q&A
Christine Kukan, Board Member, IR club Schweiz





Arturo Devigus is the founder and CEO of Devigus Engineering AG. He holds a master degree in mechanical engineering and industrial engineering from the ETH Zurich (Dipl. Ing. ETH) and an Executive Master of Business Engineering from the University of St. Gallen (Exec. MBA HSG).


Tabea Bürgler is General Counsel of Bossard Group since 2015.


Daniel Häusermann is a lawyer at Homburger AG. His practice areas include corporate and capital markets law, M&A, capital market transactions and corporate governance. He is also a private lecturer for private and commercial law at the University of St. Gallen.

powered by


9.00 A.M.

Workshop Digitale IR-Trends 2021 (in German)


Der virtuelle Workshop "Digitale IR-Trends", veranstaltet von unserem Partnerverband DIRK – Deutscher Investor Relations Verband, gibt Antworten auf die drängendsten Zukunftsfragen nach Megatrends, deren Einfluss auf die moderne Finanzkommunikation und die Herausforderungen der Digitalen Transformation.

Die Teilnehmer lernen praxisnah die für sie passenden Arbeitsfelder kennen und erhalten Tipps, wie sie in ihrem IR-Alltag effizienter und zielgerichteter vorangehen können. Aktuelle Best Practice-Beispiele und Studien liefern Orientierung und Verbesserungsvorschläge für die zukünftige digitale Ausrichtung der eigenen Finanzkommunikation. Im weiteren Verlauf analysieren digitale IR-Profis die IR-Webseiten der Teilnehmer und liefern neben strategischen Empfehlungen auch praktische Tipps und "Quick Wins" für kurzfristig umsetzbare Ergebnisse.

Mitglieder des IR club Schweiz profitieren von Sonderkonditionen und bezahlen nur 390,- € zzgl. MwSt.

Mehr Informationen und Anmeldung


11th IR Summit by Kepler Cheuvreux:
"Investor Relations: the New Normal?"


Kepler Cheuvreux’s 11th IR Summit will be held virtually on 10 December in cooperation with IR club Schweiz and many IR associations. Don't miss this unique event focusing on the theme "Investor Relations: the New Normal?".

The event will feature panels of CIOs, CEOs, Heads of IR and experts sharing their views on the evolution of investor relations in the COVID world. It will also be a unique opportunity to hear the views of keynote speakers on Brexit, the U.S. election, the economic outlook and capital markets.

Register now (deadline: December 1, 2020):

More information and agenda


Traditional Chlaushöck


This event is only open to IR club Schweiz members.

Due to the current situation regarding Covid-19, the Chlaushöck unfortunately cannot be realized. We are confident that the popular meeting can take place again next year!


ESG Integration Forum Europe


We are proud to partner with IR Magazine and Corporate Secretary this year for their virtual ESG Integration Forum - Europe, on December 2. The forum will uncover the underlying factors that have driven the rise of ESG during the pandemic.

ESG discussions to be centered around:

  • ESG and the earnings call: Integrating long-term thinking into short-term discussions
  • How artificial intelligence is evolving the ESG landscape
  • Covid-19 as a catalyst for better year-round engagement on ESG
  • Standardization developments in ESG ratings and frameworks
  • How corporate boards can navigate climate risks
  • How the future of work will impact ESG integration
  • Materiality matters: Learn how companies in your sector are managing their most relevant ESG risks
  • Social and human capital trends
  • Generating decision useful data for investors
  • Reinventing ESG reporting: A shift from what’s happened to where we’re going
  • And more!

The event will feature discussions between investor relations, governance, risk and compliance experts together to explore the underlying factors that have driven the rise of ESG, deepen shareholder engagement, help companies identify and act on material risks, and better manage shareholder proposals.

Book your place now – with the early-bird rate of £150, discounted from the standard price of £250, available until November 20.

IR club Schweiz members benefit from a discount with the code IRclubch25.

25.-27. November 2020

Investor Relations Assistenz – Fit for the Job
(in German)

Frankfurt am Main

In diesem Intensiv-Workshop, durchgeführt vom DIRK - Deutscher Investor Relations Verband, vertiefen Sie Ihr Wissen im IR Bereich und steigern Ihre Kompetenz als Assistentin oder Assistent. Sie erhalten einen umfassenden Überblick über die Rahmenbedingungen und Treiber der Investor Relations und des Kapitalmarkts. Langjährige Investor Relations-Manager berichten aus der Praxis und verraten Tipps & Tricks für den Alltag. Sie treffen Kollegen aus Österreich, Deutschland und der Schweiz und bauen sich so ein Netzwerk für den kontinuierlichen Erfahrungsaustausch auf.

Mitglieder des IR club Schweiz profitieren von einer Vergünstigung von € 600 (bei der Anmeldung bitte im Kommentarfeld vermerken).

Weitere Informationen & Anmeldung

9.00 A.M. – 1.00 P.M.

CIRA-Jahreskonferenz 2020 (in German)

Novotel am Hauptbahnhof Wien + Online-Liveübertragung

Der CIRA - CERCLE INVESTOR RELATIONS AUSTRIA lädt zur Jahreskonferenz am 14. Oktober 2020 ein – vor Ort im Novotel am Hauptbahnhof Wien, oder virtuell bei der Liveübertragung.

Dieses Jahr steht die Teilnahme nebst CIRA-Mitgliedern exklusiv auch Mitgliedern des IR club Schweiz offen.

Am 14. Oktober 2020 findet eine halbtägige Konferenz als Hybridveranstaltung im Novotel am Hauptbahnhof Wien statt. Eine fixe Sitzplatzzuteilung jedes Teilnehmenden, die Einhaltung von Sicherheitsabständen und Maskenpflicht beim Besuch der Konferenz, sind dabei Teil des Sicherheitskonzepts. Da heuer viele Gäste nicht persönlich vor Ort sein können, werden die Vorträge und Diskussionen dieses Tages auch live online übertragen. Registrierte Gäste haben zudem die Möglichkeit, sich die einzelnen Beiträge im Nachgang als Aufzeichnung anzusehen.

Jetzt anmelden

Darüber hinaus startet ab 20. Oktober 2020 die Konferenz-Serie "CIRA-TV im Herbst" – jeden Dienstag und Donnerstag um 16:00 Uhr via Zoom – mit wichtigen Themen der Kapitalmarkkommunikation.


3.00 P.M.

Buyside Bonanza Event


This event was only open to Investor Relations professionals.

This unique event format offered all IROs the perfect opportunity to exchange views with selected representatives from the Buyside in an exclusive setting. We were delighted to welcome seven top-class Buyside panelists from BlackRock, Capital Group, Fidelity International, Fidelity Management & Research, Norges Bank Investment Mgmt, T. Rowe Price and Wellington Management.

After a short welcome and overview of the event format we started with a moderated panel discussion. In three breakout sessions the participants met our Buyside panelists together with their peers and were able to ask their most burning questions directly. After about 20 minutes the Buyside panelists switched and moved on to the next breakout room. At the end of the breakout sessions a short wrap up followed.

The replay of the panel discussion is available in our member section.






Welcome and opening remarks
Lorna Davie, President, IR club Schweiz



A brief overview of the new virtual corporate access world
Mark Loehr, CEO, OpenExchange and sponsors for the event



Moderated Panel discussion

Our Panel of Buyside experts will drill down into the major changes in the market that includes the evolution of the Corporate Access function from the sell-side to the buy-side.


  • What is the meaning for Investor Relations, how does this affect investor engagement?
  • What impact is there to the way that the Buyside and corporates work together, will there be any added benefits and better use of Management time?
  • How should Investor Relations teams approach the Buyside?
  • What is the potential significance of Covid-19 for the Buyside, what trends do you see emerging because of recent experiences?

Moderator: Victoria Redgrave, Executive Director at Fidelity Management & Research Company (FMR)



Breakout sessions
Following the panel discussions, our Buyside panelists will be split into three smaller breakout sessions. This will provide you the opportunity to engage directly with the Buyside panelists who will rotate across each break out session in turn.



Wrap-Up and closing remarks
Lorna Davie, President, IR club Schweiz



Our Buyside Panelists


Valentina Barnfather is European Head of Corporate Access at Capital Group having joined in March 2019. She has over 12 years of corporate access experience gained whilst working on the sell-side at Redburn. Before that she was an equity analyst at J.P.Morgan having first qualified as an Chartered Accountant with KPMG. She holds a master’s degree in Psychology from the University of Edinburgh. Valentina is based in London.


Karen Harley is a Corporate Access Associate at Fidelity Management & Research Company (FMR Co.), the investment advisor for Fidelity’s family of mutual funds. Fidelity Investments is a leading provider of investment management, retirement planning, portfolio guidance, brokerage, benefits outsourcing and other financial products and services to more than 20 million individuals, institutions and financial intermediaries.


Patricia Lefranc is Global Head of Corporate Access at Fidelity International, based in London. Patricia was previously Head of Corporate Access, EMEA, at J.P. Morgan and UBS. Patricia was also Head of Investor Relations at Orange SA. Patricia holds a European Master in BA from ESCP Europe.


Caroline Preston is a vice president of T. Rowe Price International Ltd and is Corporate Access Manager in the Equity Division. In this role, Caroline is responsible for establishing and implementing in-house corporate access strategies in partnership with the investment professionals for EMEA and APAC. Caroline has over 18 years’ experience in Financial Services, and prior to joining T. Rowe Price she was Executive Director at J. P. Morgan Securities within the EMEA Corporate Access team. She earned a BA (Hons) in French and Politics from the University of Bristol.


Hugo Sanders is the director of Corporate Access and Research Services. He is responsible for building out and overseeing a global corporate access and research services function for Wellington Management. This involves the coordination and management of access to corporates and experts globally in partnership with investors. It also includes on- and off-site meetings, site visits, conference calls, roadshows, investment conferences and bespoke field trips. Hugo also represents the firm to investor relations contacts when appropriate. In addition, he oversees the research services and data teams which manage the full life cycle of external research providers and market data providers including procurement, negotiation of services, due diligence, evaluation and relationship management.


Ellie Tinto is Head of the Corporate Solutions Team for BlackRock EMEA. Corporate Solutions sits in the BlackRock Capital Markets group (BCM). Covering the full spectrum of public and private markets, BCM offers a centralized function for sourcing and syndication, financing, co-investment and corporate solutions activities. Ellie has 16 years’ experience of working in corporate access, beginning with her role as an originator at Société Générale in London. She joined Sanofi Investor Relations team in 2010 where she was tasked with driving European and US investor engagement through targeting and strategic outreach.


Edward Young is Head of Corporate Access at Norges Bank Investment Management. He joined NBIM in July 2017 after 10 years on the sell-side across Equity Capital Markets and Advisory roles at both Barclays and RBS. Ed has a Bachelor’s Degree in Modern Languages from the University of Bristol.


IR Club Schweiz was supported by OpenExchange to deliver this meeting.

OCTOBER 6-8, 2020

IR Magazine Global Forum 2020


IR Magazine is holding the Global IR Forum 2020 on October 6 – October 8, bringing together investor relations officers from different sectors, markets and regions to learn how to adapt their IR program at a time when markets are rapidly evolving and shareholder bases are changing.

Regional outlook
Different governments have approached the Covid-19 crisis in contrasting ways, and the speed at which restrictions have been easing is equally different. This creates a variety of scenarios for business, regulators and investors alike. The Global IR Forum is structured to focus on the most relevant challenges facing investor relations in your region.

Sector-specific discussions
The global pandemic has accelerated digitalization, increased awareness on health practices and had a significant impact on the global economy. The nature of your industry and how it reacts to macro cycles presents unique challenges for your business and investor base. This year, the Global IR Forum features sector-focused sessions, so whether you’re managing risk or maximizing opportunity you can hear from leading heads of IR at public companies, investors and analysts.

IR club members benefit from a 50% discount on tickets. Please write to us if you are interested and we will give you the discount code for the registration.

If you have any questions, email or call the IR Magazine team on +44 20 8004 5340.


IR Magazine Awards – Europe


On Thursday, October 1, the IR Magazine Awards – Europe took place. The internationally renowned IR Magazine Awards – Europe honored excellence in the investor relations profession. The prestigious ceremony hosted the best of the IR community from across Europe at 8 Northumberland Avenue in London.

By popular demand, the awards once again presented two types of award categories – researched and nominated – both celebrating the success of those individuals and companies that are leading the way in IR across Europe.

If you have any questions, email or call the IR Magazine team on +44 20 8004 5340.


UK IR Society Virtual Annual Conference 2020


"Embracing Change: The new age of IR"

Alongside keynote addresses, the conference sessions will look at key market themes and mega trends, ESG and stewardship and how to shape your IR programme in a post-COVID world.

While this year the conference format might be a little different, we look forward to bringing you the same unrivalled content combining live interactive discussions and on demand sessions. You will also have the opportunity to network with peers and visit exhibitors via the virtual platform throughout the event. The full programme and information on speakers, as well as highlights videos from the 2019 event, can be found on the UK IR Society’s conference microsite.

After the live event, the virtual environment will remain live for 30 days, during which time ticket holders can revisit the site and access the on demand content as well as visiting the exhibition booths. 

The IR Society is charging a fee of £150 + VAT for IR Society members (£200 + VAT for non-members), but there is an early bird discount for any international partner bookings received by Friday 14 August, taking the price down to £75 + VAT.

As a member of IR club Schweiz, we would be delighted to invite you to register for the conference at the same rates as UK IR Society members. Please write to us if you are interested and we will give you the discount code for the registration at UK IR Society. If you have any questions at all please don’t hesitate to contact the UK IR Society on +44 20 7379 1763 or


14.00 – 21.00 UHR (SWISS TIME)

IR Magazine Forum – Small Cap

Virtual event platform

On September 23, for the first time ever, the IR Magazine Forum – Small Cap will be open up to professionals from small and micro-cap companies from around the world.

Join us virtually as we focus on the unique issues affecting small cap companies such as increasing sell-side coverage, managing volatility and more as you interact with speakers and have one-to-one networking in-between panel talks.

The IR club Schweiz is a supporting association of this virtual event and IR club members benefit from a 25% discount on tickets. Please write to us if you are interested and we will give you the discount code for the registration at IR magazine.

Program and Speakers


4.30 P.M.

Valuing ESG post-Corona – How non-financial metrics became financial


Current developments show that investors increasingly consider ESG an important part of their valuation of companies – but can we put numbers to these issues? A panel of sector specialists and IR professionals will discussed the state of ESG accounting in investment management.

Welcome & Closing: Chris Menth, Board member of the IR club Schweiz
Moderation: Richard Davies, RD:IR



Barend van Bergen is EY Global Long Term Value Methodology Leader and an Assurance Partner with Ernst & Young – United Kingdom. He has over 20 years of experience advising companies on measuring, managing and communicating the impact and long term value they create for investors and other stakeholder groups. In addition to his client work, he is a member of the EY teams working with the Coalition for Inclusive Capitalism to encourage, measure and demonstrate long term value creation. Barend has authored several publications, was a part-time visiting fellow at the Yale School of Management and holds a degree in Industrial Engineering and Innovation Sciences from the Eindhoven University of Technology.


Neil Stewart joined SASB in 2020 as its New York-based Director of Corporate Outreach, bringing more than 25 years of experience in and around investor relations and corporate governance. Previously he was at Citigroup as VP IR Advisory on the ADR team, helping non-US issuers develop IR and ESG strategies. Formerly Editorial & Research Director of both IR Magazine and Corporate Secretary magazine, Mr. Stewart is well known for having led a global lineup of conferences and awards events. He is currently president of NIRI NY, the New York chapter of the National Investor Relations Institute.


Zoso Davies, part of the ESG working group in Barclays Research, iIs a Director in the European Credit Strategy team at Barclays, covering Investment Grade and Macro Credit. As part of his role, Dr. Davies regularly contributes to cross-asset and thematic research. Dr. Davies joined Barclays in 2010, prior to which he was awarded a PhD in Physical Chemistry by University College London.


Jamie Mills O’Brien is an Investment Manager on the European Equities Team at Aberdeen Standard Investments. Jamie joined the company as a graduate in 2015.


Mario Abela is a Director, Redefining Value at WBCSD where he leads projects aimed at transforming performance management, governance and assurance to make sustainability an integral part of mainstream business and investor decision-making. Mario is a CPA and Chartered Management Accountant, his expertise are in corporate reporting and he has held senior management positions in both the private and public sectors in Australia, Belgium, the United Kingdom and the US.  He has extensive regulatory and standard setting experience.  Mario is a visiting professor at IESEG School of Management in Paris where he teaches in the Masters in Accounting, Audit and Control program.  

powered by


4.00 - 5.30 p.m.

AGM Season 2020: Take Aways and Learnings for 2021


The AGM season 2020 will be remembered as a special one. It will not only be the season with the shortest AGM meetings in history, but also the starting point to a period where a lot of existing structures will have to be rethought. The Corona crisis is not only putting a lot of strain on businesses’ operations, but is also forcing Boards of Directors to reconsider strategy and governance frameworks. A particular focus in this regard concerns an old economic principle: the integration of corporate social responsibility, incentive and capital allocation frameworks with strategy to create long-term sustainable businesses.

In this joint webinar SWIPRA Services and Morrow Sodali provided a review of the AGM Season 2020 in Switzerland and abroad and discussed key developments and themes in investor and proxy advisor behavior expected for 2021. IR club members from Nestlé and Leonteq shared their experiences and views on these topics and led into a broad discussion to exchange views amongst peers.    

Read an introduction to the topic by Andrea Bischof, Barbara Heller and Dr. Christoph Wenk.



Christine Kukan, Board Member, IR club Schweiz



Key Observations Swiss AGM Season 2020
Dr. Christoph Wenk, Partner SWIPRA Services



International Observations on Governance Issues: Viewpoints of Proxy Advisors, large Institutional Investors and Regulators
Andrea Bischoff, Managing Director Morrow Sodali



Implications for Companies for 2021, including Experience Reports

  • Barbara Heller, Managing Partner SWIPRA Services
  • David Frick, Head of Corporate Governance, Compliance and Corporate Services, Nestlé S.A.
  • Dominik Ruggli, Head Investor Relations, Communications and Marketing, Leonteq AG



Panel discussion and Q&A
moderated by Christine Kukan



Wrap-Up and closing remarks
Christine Kukan






Andrea Bischoff is Managing Director of Morrow Sodali. She has more than 20 years of experience in communications and spent the past 13 years at D.F.King, where she advised listed companies including the largest Germanic corporates in several hundred AGM campaigns, proxy contests and M&A situations. During the course of her career she has helped her listed clients to understand and effectively engage and communicate with their shareholders. 


David P. Frick is Secretary to the Board of Directors of Nestlé S.A. and responsible for Corporate Governance, Compliance and Corporate Services. Over the past few years David helped Nestlé develop into a leader in Corporate Governance in its home market and beyond and runs the Company’s corporate compliance program. Prior to joining Nestlé, Mr. Frick was a Member of the Executive Board and Group General Counsel of Credit Suisse Group, and an attorney-at-law with Cravath, Swaine & Moore, the New York law firm. Mr. Frick received a JD degree from Zurich University and a Masters of Laws degree from Harvard Law School. He is a member of the Zurich and the New York bar. Mr. Frick is a member of the Boards of economiesuisse, ICC Switzerland and Allianz Suisse. He serves as Chairman of SwissHoldings.

Barbara Heller is Managing Partner at SWIPRA Services Ltd. She has many years of experience in corporate finance, capital markets and corporate governance advisory from various assignments in international investment banking, and as executive and board member. During her career, Barbara worked with her corporate clients and their stakeholders to execute strategic key initiatives and projects including IPO’s, M&A and change management projects. Currently she is also a Member of the board of directors and chairwoman of the Audit Committee of Bank Cler Ltd, Vice-Chairwoman of the Swiss CFO Forum, Chairperson of the Jury of the Swiss CFO Award and Of Counsel at Lemongrass Communications Ltd. She is also active on boards of sport and non-profit organizations and holds an MBA in economics and finance from the University of Zurich.

Dominik Ruggli is Head Investor Relations, Communications and Marketing at Leonteq. Dominik joined the company in 2009, was appointed Head Business Planning & Analysis in 2011 and is responsible for Leonteq’s investor relations activities since 2015. During his time at Leonteq, Dominik led several key initiatives including the successful completion of a 120m rights issue, the strengthening of its corporate governance framework and the implementation of a new compensation system for the Group’s Executive Committee. He holds an MBA from the University of Zurich.

Christoph Wenk Bernasconi is Partner at SWIPRA Services Ltd. He is a founding member of SWIPRA and responsible for the scientific approach of its projects and analyses. He is co-author of the SWIPRA Considerations for Corporate Governance and of the SFI Whitepaper on corporate governance. Further, Christoph is a Senior Researcher at the Department of Banking and Finance at the University of Zurich.

in cooperation with


thursday, july 9, 2020

4.30 - 5.30 p.m.

Small-Cap Stock in a Large-Cap World


As most small-caps know, it can be an uphill battle to garner institutional attention, and are often under-covered by analysts and/or overlooked by the street. With small teams and tight budgets, putting together an impactful and effective communications program can be challenging, especially during times of crisis.

Success for small-caps is increasingly about marketing more creatively and aggressively. In this webinar, our team of experts explored tips for how to get noticed by the investment community. We discussed:

  • How to build a compelling narrative
  • The right metrics to help investors measure your progress
  • How to identify, engage and target the right investors
  • Ways to work around the declining sell-side

powered by Q4

The recording of this webinar is available in the member section.




Michel Gerber is Head of Investor Relations & Corporate Communications at VAT Group and Honorary President of the IR club Schweiz.


Peer Nils Schröder is Head of Corporate Communications & Investor Relations at Basilea.

  • Ph. D. in chemistry
  • Certified Biotech Analyst/DFVA (Society of Investment Professionals in Germany), 2002
  • Since 2000, held positions in investor relations and public relations/corporate communications in German and Swiss listed small-cap companies in the biopharmaceutical sector
  • With Basilea Pharmaceutica since 2009

Charlie Parry is Head of Investor Relations & Company Secretarial at Good Energy Group plc.

  • Non-Executive Director for Zap-Map
  • Charlie has 12 years of experience in investor relations, corporate finance & banking
  • He is a chartered accountant and member of the Institute of Directors
  • Previously held roles at Domino's Pizza Group, Smiths News, Barclays Capital and Deloitte

Sofia Antunes is Investor Relations Officer.

  • 15 years of combined experience from Project Management and Investor Relations in the Oil & Gas business
  • Sofia began her career in project management in 2005 working for upstream industry in Subsea 7 and Equinor
  • She later transitioned to capital markets where she worked with investor relations and corporate marketing in Lundin Energy
  • Ms Antunes holds Master degrees from EPFL and Aberdeen University

Matt Tractenberg is Investor Relations Partner at Q4 Inc.

  • 2018 - Present Investor Relations Partner, Q4 Inc.
  • 2016 - 2018 Vice President & Head of Investor Relations, WestRock
  • 2012- 2016 Vice President & Head of Investor Relations, Belden
  • 2003- 2012 Senior Manager, Treasury and Investor Relations, CiscoSystems
  • Previous roles in Finance, M&A, Corporate Communications, and Strategy

Wednesday, JUNe 24, 2020

Online Geschäftsberichte-Symposium
"Impact – nothing else matters"


“Impact – nothing else matters”: How can companies fully understand and manage the consequences of their business activities in economic, ecological and social terms? These and other questions were in the focus of the Geschäftsberichte-Symposium 2020. Participants were part of exciting debates among international experts drawing on thought-provoking practical examples – along with networking and sharing ideas.

Members of the IR club Schweiz benefited from a discount of CHF 100.

Read the review


IR Magazine Think Tank – Europe 2020


At the IR Magazine Think Tank – Europe you took part in a series of interactive discussions and heard from expert speakers on the biggest issues and trends in 2020.

The think tank is unique as it is removed from the traditional conference set-up as the event consists of a series of panel sessions followed by roundtable discussions. These interactive sessions are an opportunity to share experiences with and learn from other top-rated IROs. All table discussions are confidential and none of the participants’ comments are attributed. This allows attendees to talk freely and have frank, open discussions.

If you have any questions, email or call the IR Magazine team on +44 20 8004 5340.


4.00 - 5.15 P.M.

Digital interaction with capital markets
Are we currently experiencing a paradigm shift?



How do you interact digitally with capital markets?

All of you who regularly communicate with external stakeholders such as potential or current investors will have noticed the following development: In recent years, a paradigm shift towards digital communication has become apparent and this is undoubtedly being accelerated by the current situation.

In the first part of the webinar, Lucas Bruggeman, CEO of BX Swiss, gave insights into the Swiss stock exchange landscape. What are the challenges to be overcome? How does digitization influence the collaboration between IROs and capital markets?

In the second part, Michèle Schnyder, Head of Investor Relations at Vontobel and Board member of the IR club Schweiz, presented the brand new results of our recent survey "Paradigm shift in IR". Which digital IR tools, channels and platforms are used by Swiss listed companies, and which trends are emerging?

Following the two keynotes, all participants were invited to share their experiences in the Q&A session.

IR club Schweiz members can download the slides and key take-aways of the webinar here.




Participants dial-in



by Barbara Zäch, Co-CEO, Center for Corporate Reporting (CCR)



With 135 years of tradition into the digital future
Lucas Bruggeman, CEO, BX Swiss AG



About the survey «Paradigm shift in IR»
Cédric Baumgartner, Managing Director Switzerland, EQS Group



Presentation of survey results
Michèle Schnyder, Head of Investor Relations, Vontobel and Board Member, IR club Schweiz



Panel discussion and Q&A
moderated by Michèle Schnyder


by Barbara Zäch


Lucas Bruggeman is a native Dutchman, living in Switzerland 16 years. He worked for 17 years at ABN Amro Bank in the areas of trading, syndication and derivatives. Afterwards, he was a member of the Board of Management of Liechtensteinische Landesbank Switzerland from 2011 to 2013, where he was responsible for the supervision of external asset managers. Before joining BX Swiss AG, he spent seven years at Fintech Sentifi as a partner and investor in the Alternative Data division. During this period, Sentifi was named Swisscom Startup of the Year and Swiss Fintech of the Year.

Lucas joined BX Swiss as CEO in February 2020.  BX Swiss has set itself the goal of becoming "the stock exchange of choice for private investors and independent asset managers in Switzerland".


Michèle Schnyder is Head of Investor Relations at Vontobel and Board Member of the IR club Schweiz. Before joining Vontobel, Michèle worked 5 years in Investor Relations at Adecco Group. Previously, she spent over a decade in the financial industry at Deutsche Bank in London, Swiss Re and ZKB in Zurich. Michèle holds a master’s degree in Economics from the University of Zurich, Switzerland and an MBA degree from the University of Rochester, Simon School, USA.

Cédric Baumgartner is Managing Director at EQS Group and has the overall responsibility for the product areas Compliance and Investor Relations in Switzerland. Before that he managed digital projects in corporate communications and investor relations at Geberit Group for several year. He got a master's degree in Digital Business.
Barbara Zäch is co-managing director of the Center for Corporate Reporting (CCR). Barbara has worked for over 20 years at publicly listed companies, most recently as Head of Investor Relations at Schindler Group. Barbara brings with her a wealth of experience in the fields of investor relations, corporate reporting and sustainability.

WEDNESDAY, May 27, 2020

4.30 - 6.00 p.m.

Share & learn: Post results investor engagement in times of SARS-CoV-2


In the webinar on 27.05.2020, Michael Staeheli (Head IR, Conzzeta) described the challenges of Conzzeta as a mid-cap issuer with respect to the investor engagement in the current turbulent times. This was followed by Kilian Maier (Co-Founder & CEO, Interaction Partners) who gave a demo how an issuer can organize its own virtual event via schedulR, their investor engagement software/platform. The event was concluded by an 'early adopter user feedback' from Gregory Duong (Head IR Banque Cantonale Vaudoise) and a Q&A session. The event was held in English.

The recording of this webinar is available in the member section.


  • Michael Stäheli – Head of Corporate Communication and Investor Relations at Conzzeta
  • Kilian Maier – Co-Founder and CEO of Interaction Partners AG
  • Gregory Duong – Head of Investor Relations at Banque Cantonale Vaudoise

Michael Stäheli has in-depth experience with the positioning of companies in the capital market. As Head Investor Relations & Corporate Communications with Conzzeta, a Swiss industrial conglomerate, he promotes a consistent corporate messaging, building on an integrated reporting and the engagement with investors, analysts and proxy advisors.


Dr. Kilian Maier, CFA, is a co-founder and CEO of Interaction Partners, an Investor Relations software and services company with a focus on investor engagement solutions. Before co-founding Interaction Partners he worked as a consultant (Accenture) and as sell-side equities analyst, head of research and country head at NZB Neuer Zürcher Bank and MainFirst (Switzerland).

Gregory Duong is the head of Investor Relations at Banque Cantonale Vaudoise (BCV). Before joining BCV in 2009 he worked for Euronext in Corporate Finance and Investor Relations.


4.30 p.m. - 6.30 p.m.

Staying the course: IR and ESG in uncertain times


A webinar discussion covering the rising importance of ESG in investment decisions. With around 50 participating Investor Relations experts, this was a great opportunity to learn how corporates can be better prepared! The recording of this webinar will be available in the member section.

Topics discussed:

  • The increasing importance of ESG ratings agencies and the ESG ratings agency landscape
  • How ESG data is increasingly integrated in buy-side investment decisions
  • Tips for overcoming common ESG investor relations challenges
  • The view from the buy-side in periods of heightened market volatility and uncertainty


  • Maria Drew, Director of Research, Responsible Investing, T. Rowe Price
  • Jean-Claude Berthelot,  Director of Sustainable Finance Solutions, Sustainalytics
  • Chris Menth, Head of Shareholder Engagement at Swiss Re
  • Moderated by Patrick Hughes, Director at Nasdaq Corporate Solutions

powered by Nasdaq

Thank you for joining our Webinar in association with the Swiss IR Club. At Nasdaq, we are passionate about helping companies analyse, assess and action their ESG programs, with the goals of attracting long-term capital and enhancing value creation. For more information on our ESG Advisory Program, download our ESG Advisory Brochure, or please contact Thomas Labeyrie to set up an ESG assessment discussion.



Maria Elena Drew is a director of research for Responsible Investing at T. Rowe Price. Ms. Drew leads the Responsible Investing team, which serves as specialists for incorporating environmental and social considerations into the firm’s research process. Ms. Drew has 22 years of investment experience, and held roles at Goldman Sachs Asset Management and Putnam Investments before joining T. Rowe Price in 2017.


Jean-Claude Berthelot is Director, EMEA Sales, Sustainable Finance Solutions at Sustainalytics. He joined the Sustainable Finance Solutions team in June 2018 and is the commercial lead for the EMEA region, based in Brussels. He has deep experience in corporate governance, ESG topics and issuer relations. In his prior role Jean-Claude oversaw sales for Institutional Shareholder Services (ISS) for a number of European countries, after different role as Product Manager and Head of the EMEA Client Relations. He holds a Masters' degree in Business and Administration from Solvay Business School (ULB) in Belgium.

Chris Menth is Head of Shareholder Engagement in Swiss Re's Corporate Secretariat. In this function he has a dual role, including Board related responsibilities (mainly related to the Audit and Chairman's & Governance Committees) but also a dotted line into the Investor Relations (IR) team assuming responsibility for key cross-functional tasks including management of the annual Chairman Roadshow with top shareholders, running the AGM related proxy solicitation campaign and coordinating ESG related activities. Chris holds a Master's degree in Business and Economics from the University of Basle. Since 2014 Chris is a board member of the IR club Schweiz.
Patrick Hughes is a Director at Nasdaq Corporate Solutions Advisory Services and is based in London. Patrick joined Nasdaq Corporate Solutions as part of the Thomson Reuters corporate services acquisition in 2013 and has over fifteen years of investor relations experience

THURSDAY, APRIL 23, 2020 (new date)
2.30 P.M. – 12 P.M. (SWISS TIME)

IR in the times of COVID-19


Over the past three weeks, the IR Magazine has been inundated with queries from the global IR community looking to understand how they should adapt their work and navigate these uncharted waters. In response, the IR Magazine in cooperation with the IR club Schweiz will be holding a first-of-its kind virtual IR conference to provide IROs with access to experts from across the globe.

This one-day virtual event is free to attend and will be live-streamed globally. The sessions will also be available to view on-demand. IR professionals from across the globe will also have the opportunity to network with fellow attendees and share their experiences on issues impacting public companies and their investors.

If you have any questions, email or call the IR Magazine team on +44 20 8004 5340.

Visit website

Request invite


Annual General Meeting IR club Schweiz

Video conference

The IR club Schweiz has adapted to the current situation and held this year’s AGM via web conference. Many thanks to our members who took their time and dialed in. All proposals were accepted unanimously, and all board members were re-elected. As announced last year, Michel Gerber has resigned after more than 13 years as president. We are very pleased to announce his successor – congratulations, Lorna Davie! A big thank you also to our speakers Michael Miller and Jason Oury from IHS Markit, who provided our members with an exciting presentation on how to establish, measure and report on KPIs for your IR program. 

IR club Schweiz members can download the AGM documents here.





Annual General Meeting (AGM)



Presentation by Michael Miller and Jason Oury, IHS Markit:
“Establishing KPIs and benchmarking your IR program”







Michael Miller is Director, Investor Relations Advisory at IHS Markit, focused on providing innovative solutions and actionable intel to clients through IHS Markit’s unique product and service offerings.  He is an IR veteran with over 20 years of experience in the financial services industry.


Jason Oury leads IHS Markit's Global Corporate Solutions Advisory business, overseeing over $50M in revenue with a team of over 200 employees and analysts operating in multiple, international locations. This division has become the largest, organically grown investor relations service provider in the history of the industry.

THURSDAY, November 28, 2019

Traditional Chlaushöck

Pfingstweidstrasse 110, 8005 Zurich

This event was only open to IR club Schweiz members.

Virtual IR meetings – challenges and opportunities

Our year-end event, the traditional Chlaushöck, took place directly after the SIX IR conference. Our partner Chorus Call hosted it and talked about latest technology as success factors for conferencing with your investor base.

As we all know, teleconferencing can be complex. Carmen Vece-Sánchez, General Manager at Chorus Call, gave us an introductory overview of all aspects for a successful conference call or webcast event. What are the current market trends? Are virtual meetings really the springboard to the future? And what about security, quality and equipment? Is a carbon-friendly option an attractor for ESG investors? Besides you had a live experience of their innovative offerings.

The evening closed with the traditional dinner at LY'S Asia, offered by our partner Chorus Call.  





End of SIX IR conference with apéro



Welcome in "Connect" room


 17:35"Virtual IR meetings – challenges and opportunities"
by Carmen Vece-Sánchez, General Manager at Chorus Call


 18:30 Transfer to restaurant for dinner

DONNERSTAG, 7. November 2019

Corporate Communications meets Investor Relations

TGIM, Löwenstrasse 17 (5. OG), 8001 Zürich

This event will be conducted in German.

Zwischen Isolation und Integration

Die „One-Voice-Policy“ ist ein ehernes Gebot der Unternehmenskommunikation, insbesondere in der Finanzkommunikation börsenkotierter Gesellschaften. Diese richtet sich zwar in erster Linie an Kapitalmarktakteure, bedient in der Praxis aber auch Medien, Mitarbeitende und weitere Stakeholder mit Informationen.

Existiert die klassische Aufgabenverteilung zwischen Investor Relations und Corporate Communications noch? Wie sieht die Kooperation und Koordination von Investor Relations und Corporate Communications in der Praxis aus? Welche Ziele verfolgen die Funktionen, und wie stimmen sie sich ab? In welchen Punkten unterscheidet sich ihre DNA, und welche Folgen hat eine stärkere Integration der Abteilungen?

Diese Fragen waren Teil einer Studie zum Thema „Integrierte Finanzkommunikation“, die vom Center for Research in Financial Communication von der Universität Leipzig in der DACH-Region durchgeführt wurde.

Im ersten Teil des Workshops erläuterte Prof. Dr. Christian Hoffmann von der Universität Leipzig die Ergebnisse dieser umfassenden Studie. Marc Kaiser, Leiter Corporate Communications und Investor Relations bei der Baloise Group, sowie Chris Menth, Head Shareholder Engagement bei Swiss Re, zeigten auf, wie sie in ihren Unternehmen diese Bereiche organisiert und die Aufgaben verteilt haben. In der anschliessenden Paneldiskussion erläuterten sie ihre Sicht auf die Herausforderungen kultureller und disziplinärer Unterschiede von IR und CC, veranschaulichten die Vor- und Nachteile integrierter Abteilungen und stellten sich den Fragen der Teilnehmenden.








Barbara Zäch, IR club Schweiz und CCR


 14:10Präsentation Studienergebnisse «Integrierte Finanzkommunikation»
Prof. Dr. Christian Hoffmann, Universität Leipzig



CC & IR bei Baloise Group
Marc Kaiser, Leiter CC und IR



CC & IR bei Swiss RE
Chris Menth, Head Shareholder Engagement bei Swiss Re



Paneldiskussion und Q&A
moderiert von Prof. Dr. Christian Hoffmann




OCTOBER 2 – 3, 2019

IR Magazine’s Global Forum and Awards


We are proud to be a supporting association at IR Magazine’s Global Forum and Awards this October.

IR Magazine’s Global Forum & Awards is an international and independent event that brings together over 250 IR professionals from more than 30 countries each year.

The event enables attendees to network with the investment community, learn best practice from successful heads of IR and promote excellence. The fantastic two-day agenda will host international speakers covering all the latest topics from the world of investor relations.

This year’s event includes:

  • Two days packed with panel debates, case studies, interactive roundtable discussions and workshops
  • Investors and analysts candidly sharing their views on good IR and working together in a post-Mifid world
  • International heads of IR & CFOs sharing real-life examples of how IR programs have evolved in 2018-2019
  • Dedicated networking time to learn from and build your global network of IR contacts
  • The Global Top 50 presentation – IR Magazine’s definitive ranking of IR teams as determined by the investment community unveiled

IR Club CH members can save €100 on advertised price for corporate attendee rate of €395 with exclusive discount code that can be ordered here


Kepler Cheuvreux Barbecue

Kepler Cheuvreux, Stadelhoferstrasse 22, 8001 Zurich

In best summer weather, numerous IR club members met again this year for the Kepler Cheuvreux Barbecue.

Paul Marsland, Senior Governance Analyst at Kepler Cheuvreux, opened the event with an exciting keynote speech on the topic “Climate & the Banks – Accounting for Sustainability”, followed by a lively Q&A session.

Afterwards the guests met for a delicious barbecue and extensive networking on the roof terrace.



JUNe 13, 2019

10th Geschäftsberichte-Symposium
«Reporting is not enough»

GDI Gottlieb Duttweiler Institute, Langhaldenstrasse 21, 8803 Rüschlikon

Besides meeting regulatory requirements what does reporting need to achieve today? Join the debate with international experts and peers at the Anniversary Symposium. Get inspired by informative best practice cases and learn what further value your annual report can contribute.

Members of the IR club Schweiz benefitted from a discount of CHF 150.00 (please note in the comment field when registering).

View the program

FRIDAY, MAY 10, 2019

Guided tour on the Swiss Finance Museum – 30 years SMI

Swiss Finance Museum, Pfingstweidstrasse 110, 8005 Zurich

The Swiss benchmark index SMI recently celebrated its 30th birthday. On this occasion, the Swiss Finance Museum opened an exclusive special exhibition entitled "30 Years SMI: Equity Indices Explained!". We invited our IR club members to an entertaining and multimedia excursion into the world of indices. What is a blue chip index? What are indices used for? What are the origins and history of SMI, Dow Jones, Nikkei & Co.?

After the tour an exciting keynote speech by the IR club president Michel Gerber awaited our members. He knows from his own experience how IR work in a small or mid cap differs from that in an SMI group. At the concluding networking apéro there was the opportunity for a personal exchange with peers.





Annual General Meeting IR club Schweiz

Partners Group AG, Zugerstrasse 57, 6341 Baar/Zug

About one third of our members joined this year's Annual General Meeting at the premises of Partners Group in Baar/ZG. The General Meeting approved until the closure of the next Ordinary General Meeting the re-election of Michel Gerber (president), Christine Kukan, Michèle Schnyder and Chris Menth. Newy elected to the Board were Lorna Davies, Credit Suisse, and Michael Staeheli, Conzzeta. The resolutions and voting results will be made available in the AGM minutes.

In addition, all participants enjoyed an impressive tour d’horizon on Partners Group business model, their global activities and their culture. Responsible for this great presentation were Philip Sauer, Co-Head of Group Finance and Corporate Development, as well as Alex Soppera. To round off the event, we offered a networking apéro that everybody joined to continue the interesting discussions.




Door opening



Annual General Meeting (AGM)


 17:00Presentation of Partners Group and their IR approach by Philip Sauer, Co-Head Group Finance & Corporate Development 



Apéro riche and networking, offered by Partners Group



FRIDAY, March 8, 2019

SIX Breakfast Session – Food for Thought

Hotel Schweizerhof, Bahnhofplatz 7, 8001 Zürich

Indices are becoming increasingly important in the financial world and therefore are also of importance to you as an issuer. SIX presents in the context of this breakfast session the latest updates on indices and puts a focus on SARON – the Swiss Average Rate Overnight that will replace the current reference rate LIBOR in the near future.

Get first hand insights according to the following agenda:




Registration and Breakfast


 08:15Welcome and introduction
Christian Geiger, Relationship Manager Issuer Relations, SIX
Dr. Christian Bahr, Head Index & iNAV Services, SIX



Update on SIX Indices:

  • SARON: the new Swiss Franc Reference Rate
  • Background information on Swiss Bond Indices







Thanks to our partnership with SIX, you get access to this event as an IR club member. Please register directly at SIX by Wednesday, 27 February 2019. The number of participants is limited.



November 29, 2018

Traditional "Chlaushöck"


Digital Leadership bei Outdoor-Bekleidung von Mammut 

Der Name Mammut steht für hohe Qualität und anmutiges Design. Welche Bedeutung haben Innovation, Kreativität und Marke für langfristigen unternehmerischen Erfolg? Wie wird Digitalisierung im Bereich Outdoor-Bekleidung und -ausrüstung genutzt? Was sind die pros und cons bei der consumer centricity?

Am 29. November trafen sich IR club Mitglieder zum letzten Anlass des Jahres 2018. Der Chlaushöck wurde von Matthias Hanny, Chief B2C Officer bei Mammut, mit seinem spannenden Vortrag zum Thema Digital Leadership bei Outdoor Bekleidung von Mammut eingeleitet. Wir erhielten u.a. nicht alltägliche Einblicke in die Bedeutung von Innovation, Kreativität und Marke bei Mammut. Zudem nahm uns Matthias mit auf Mammut’s High-Speed-Transformation, bei der Strategie, Struktur und Menschen die Grundlage für den zukünftigen Erfolg legen. Ein weiteres Highlight war die Möglichkeit, innovative Lösungen am Produkt selbst zu erleben.

Selbstverständlich war auch für das leibliche Wohl mit einem feinen Z’Nacht gesorgt, das für intensive Gespräche genutzt wurde. 

OCTOBER 30, 2018

A morning on the sell side

Kepler Cheuvreux, Stadelhoferstr. 22, Zurich

Investor Relations Officers had a look behind the curtain and were made aware of the many tasks the sellside has to accomplish in the early morning before the markets open at 9.00 am. Their working day actually starts when the sun goes down the evening before and continues in the morning at 6.30 am at the latest preparing the conference call starting at 7.30 am for the European morning meeting followed by the Swiss meeting. IR club Schweiz participants had the chance to listen into both and also get insights on the follow-up tasks of the analysts’ and sales’ team and how these tasks changed over time. One of the learnings was that analysts have to summarize the most important news on the companies they cover within 5 minutes max. (including Q+A from sales) and that it facilitates their work substantially if companies provide top line growth rates not only in the reporting currency but also in local currencies in their news. 

A very interesting morning closed with a lovely breakfast offered by Kepler Cheuvreux and the opportunity to network and to discuss with analysts, sales and IR club Schweiz members. 

OCTOBER 3, 2018

Digital IR - work smarter, not harder

Conzzeta, Giesshübelstrasse 45, Zurich

The event was well attended and started with a presentation on this summer’s survey on CRM platforms for the IR work. It was followed by a presentation from our host Conzzeta and their reasons to evaluate such platforms and how they did it. This led into a lively discussion on latest developments in IR work and one of the findings was that there is no “one size fits all” solution and that decision-making is quite difficult at this moment in time since the landscape around MIFID II is quite volatile. One suggestion to form kind of an interest group will be followed up. 


September 11, 2018

Fireside chat with Cillo Canepa

FCZ Museum, Werdstrasse 21, Zurich

Vor dem FCZ Museum hat sich eine lange Schlange gebildet: die Ticketverkäufe für die UEFA Europa League laufen auf Hochtouren. Zur gleichen Zeit treffen sich im Museum rund 20 IR-Experten zu einer Führung durch die Ausstellung und zum exklusiven Austausch mit Ancillo Canepa, Präsident des FCZ: «Im Grunde genommen ist der FC Zürich ähnlich aufgebaut wie eure Unternehmen; einzig unser Produkt, der Fussball, ist wohl ein wenig schwerer fassbar als eure Produktepalette. So können wir unsere jährlichen Ausgaben zwar gut einschätzen, die Einnahmen hingegen variieren je nach Turnierverlauf oder Bekanntheit der gegnerischen Mannschaften stark.» 


Von Ancillo Canepa erhielten die Teilnehmenden nicht nur spannende Einblicke in die komplexe Führung eines Fussballclubs, sondern auch Antworten auf ihre brennendsten Fragen. Das eine oder andere Aha-Erlebnis liess nicht lange auf sich warten: Oder hätten Sie gewusst, dass Hans Gamper, Gründer des FCZ, einige Jahre später den heute überragenden FC Barcelona gründete?

Beim abschliessenden Networking Apéro wurden rege Fotos mit dem originalen Cup Pokal geschossen und Meinungen zum Gehörten ausgetauscht. Und bald besteht Möglichkeit für weitere Diskussionen: alle Teilnehmenden wurden von Herrn Canepa persönlich zu einem FCZ-Spiel eingeladen.




AUGUST 23, 2018

Event: Blockchain Technology and Bitcoins

Zurich (Tüffenwies 16, at Sika)

Two experts in the field provided participants with insights into blockchain technology and bitcoins and their impact on financial markets and beyond. 

Some statements of participants

“Stimulating insights on how Blockchain Technology can help to overcome structural information asymmetries in the financial sector.” 

"The blockchain technology will change our world! It was enlightening to get first hand insights from blockchain experts about how it works and what it can be used for." 

"Excellent explanation of the Blockchain mechanics, followed by a great introduction of an existing project in the insurance industry. Created awareness that the Blockchain technology is not just a funny idea of some nerds, but has arrived in the real world.”

We started our journey with Hansen Wang, External Relations, Melonport, who walked us through the technicalities of a transaction on the blockchain to set a solid foundation to understand the mechanics of this technology. He focused on applications of blockchain technology in the asset Management industry and discussed the current market Situation.

Find Hansen Wang's presentation in the member section.


In the second part, John Carolin, CFO at B3i Services AG talked about the journey to transform the industry by making insurance more relevant, accessible and affordable. 

Find John Carolin's presentation in the member section.



June 28, 2018



On June 28, Urs Beck, Senior Fund Manager, EFG Asset Management shared his views on what has changed under MifidII. Once again, we collaborated with Kepler Cheuvreux who hosted our summer event in their offices. As in past years, a networking luncheon-barbecue on their terrace was offered.

JUNE 14, 2018

9th Geschäftsberichte-Symposium

Rüschlikon / Zurich

«Less is More?» Is this inspiring principle valid for reporting, too?

These and other issues were the focus of the Geschäftsberichte-Symposium on June 14, 2018, hosted by the Center for Corporate Reporting (CCR). And they were the subject of hot debates among international experts drawing on thought-provoking practical examples – along with networking and sharing ideas.

Members of the IR club Schweiz benefit from a reduction of CHF 150.00.

Find a Look back on the 9. Geschäftsberichte-Symposium here

March 21, 2018

Annual General Meeting IR club Schweiz


Our Annual General Meeting was held on March 21, 2018 at the SIX Swiss Exchange.

Afterwards, all participants enjoyed a private guided tour through the multimedia exhibition of the Schweizer Finanzmuseum. The following apéro riche invited the members to network and sharing ideas with peers.

November 30, 2017

Chlaushöck 2017


Unser traditioneller «Chlaushöck» fand am 30. November 2017 im Anschluss an die IR Conference der SIX in Zürich statt.

Wir haben uns zunächst dem Thema «Wer wäre ich ohne Stress? – Konfliktlösungspotential mit The Work» gewidmet. Andreas Posavac hat uns in eine einfache Methode eingeführt, wie wir mit stressvollen Situationen und Gedanken in unserem Leben umgehen können. Im Anschluss haben wir das IR club Jahr mit einem gemeinsamen Essen und anregenden Diskussionen ausklingen lassen.

November 15–17, 2017

Investor Relations Assistant Seminar – Fit for the Job


What are the laws of the capital markets and what are the drivers of the IR profession? Which tips & tricks for the IR practice can the IR-Manager provide? Learn about the Investor Relations Managers language to competently assist them. Language: German.

For further details please visit

October 3, 2017



We examined various perspectives on MiFID II from the buy side, banks and corporate issuers in order to compare the facts and perceptions from every side of the investment triangle.

This interactive discussion was organized in partnership with Ipreo on the upcoming MiFiD II legislation at the new SIX offices.

Documents to MiFID II are stored in the member section.

September 7, 2017

Investors night at Vontobel

We were getting insights into the work and services of Vontobel brokerage and had a deep-dive into Vontobel’s findings with respect to MiFID II based on a client base of some 400 institutional clients globally. After this food for thought Vontoblel invited us to participate in their investors night at Kaufleuten were we enjoyed an amazing networking evening with more than 700 finance professionals.

The video of the event is stored in the member section.

March 17, 2017

Webinar: Looking at key Digital IR Trends in Switzerland and Beyond (for members only)

Thanks to the partnership with the IR club Switzerland Investis have agreed to score all of our member companies’ websites (only the top 50 Swiss companies by market cap have been rated in the past).

The webinar explored the following topics:

  • Why you should care about digital IR and key investor requirements, 
referencing good examples from Switzerland and around the world
  • Demonstrate how companies can ensure digital channels support their IR communication strategy
  • Explore what's on the horizon and key trends in corporate digital communications

IR club members received the recordings of the webinar exclusively.

November 30, 2016

Chlaushöck 2016


Our traditional «Chlaushöck» took place on November 30 at SIX in Zurich followed by a dinner at «Restaurant Aura».


17:30 – 17:35: Welcome & introduction Board member of the IR club Schweiz
17:35 – 18:15: Presentation on CIRO and career paths in IR, Kai Bommer, DIRK (Deutscher Investor Relations Verband)

18:15 – 18:45: Q & A

19:00 – 21:00: Dinner at Restaurant Aura (5 minutes’ walk from the SIX building)

October 31, 2016

Morning Meeting Kepler Cheuvreux


We were invited to join Kepler Cheuvreux’s sales morning meeting / call and discussed how brokers would like to receive company information and what companies can do to make it into the morning call.