DIRK - Certified Investor Relations Officer (CIRO)
(This course is offered in German only)
In cooperation with its partner association DIRK, IR club Schweiz offers its members exclusive access to IR-focused courses and programs that provide continuous professional and IR-skills development. In addition to free access to webinars, member of the IR club Schweiz have the opportunity to benefit from various discounted offers.
The training program CIRO was developed in cooperation with competent and experienced specialists. It focuses on imparting broad-based basic knowledge, which is certified with an award of the CIRO certificate after passing the final examination. The part-time course is modular in structure and is conducted in cooperation with the Frankfurt School of Finance & Management in Frankfurt am Main. CIRO is recognized as continuing professional education.
Mitglieder IR club Schweiz, DIRK oder CIRA: 10.900,- € netto zzgl. MwSt.
Nicht Mitglieder: 12.900,- € netto zzgl. MwSt
Auch die Buchung einzelner Module ist möglich:
Modulpreise Mitglieder:
- A, E, Prüfung 2.900,- € netto zzgl. MwSt
- B, C, D 2.350,- € netto zzgl. MwSt.
Nicht Mitglieder jeweils 500,- €uro mehr
Daniel Geiger | |
VP Corporate Accounting, Swiss Steel Group
"Als ehemaliger und langjähriger Wirtschaftsprüfer bei EY und Finanzexperte mit über 10 Jahren Erfahrung im Bereich Corporate Accounting und Corporate Controlling von multinationalen börsennotierten Unternehmungen, konnte ich durch die Mitgliedschaft beim IR club Schweiz bereits von diversen Angeboten des Deutschen Investor Relations Verband (DIRK) Gebrauch machen. Im Mai 2021 habe ich die Ausbildung des Certified Investor Relations Officer (CIRO) abgeschlossen. Dieser Zertifikatslehrgang ist sehr breit gefasst und gibt einen abgerundeten Überblick der Kapitalmarktkommunikation aus einer strategischen, konzeptionellen und operativen Perspektive. Daneben werden auch sämtliche Wissensgebiete von Kapitalmarktrecht über Unternehmensbewertung bis Corporate Finance detailliert vermittelt. Schlussendlich war dies für mich als versierter Finanzexperte eine gute Möglichkeit, meinen Werkzeugkasten weiter abzurunden. Ich kann diesen Lehrgang entsprechend auch arrivierten Finanzprofis sehr empfehlen. Darüber hinaus konnte ich als Mitglied des IR club Schweiz von einem substantiellen Rabatt profitieren." | |
Alexander Kamb | |
Senior Manager Investor Relations & Communications, Zehnder Group
"A bit more than a year ago, I embarked on a transformative journey to become a Certified Investor Relations Officer (CIRO), a further education program tailored to professional Investor Relations experts by the German Investor Relations Association (DIRK). This experience exceeded my expectations in every way. The CIRO program's comprehensive curriculum offered a well-rounded understanding of Investor Relations, covering everything from capital market law, financial analysis intricacies to effective stakeholder communication. The program's distinctiveness lay in its immediate applicability, emphasizing not just knowledge absorption but practical implementation. I found myself applying newfound skills, from crafting compelling investor presentations to deciphering complex financial reports in real-world scenarios, solidifying the practical significance of what I was learning. The CIRO program's faculty, composed of seasoned practitioners and academics, enriched our learning journey with their diverse expertise and distinct knowledge. Networking also played a key aspect of this program. Thanks to the connections with my fellow Investor Relations Officers but also with industry experts, I still maintain professional relationships a year later, providing ongoing opportunities for collaboration and growth. One notable perk was my membership with the IR club Switzerland, which secured me a discounted rate for the CIRO program. In retrospect, my advanced training as a CIRO has been a game-changer. Its in-depth content, the balance between theory and practice, diverse lecturers, and networking opportunities have all contributed to its resounding success. Looking back, I can confidently say that this decision profoundly impacted my professional growth, cementing the CIRO program as a pivotal chapter in my career. I would wholeheartedly endorse the CIRO course to any potential candidates without any hesitation."
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Dr. Stephanie Nickel | |
Corporate Communication, Investor and Public Relations
"Ich freue mich sehr, dieses anspruchsvolle Studium an der Frankfurt School of Finance & Management erfolgreich mit dem Certified Investor Relations Officer (CIRO) abgeschlossen zu haben. Nur selten haben Berufs- und Privatleben so sehr ineinander gegriffen. Und sogar mein Hobby blieb nicht verschont.
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Susanne Rizzo | |
Manager Investor Relations, Wacker Neuson Group
"Outside your comfort zone is where the magic happens...