The IR club Schweiz is an entry point for members for all types of inquiries relating to Investor Relations. In addition, the IR club Schweiz brings together all relevant key players in the field, actively fosters the dialogue within the community and provides networking opportunities on a regular basis, for example, at organized events.
A membership includes the following benefits:
- Networking within the IR community
- Building and maintaining a host of contacts with relevant stakeholders such as investors, asset managers and analysts in Switzerland and abroad
- Sharing experiences with other IR professionals. Learning from best practice examples and transferring the knowledge gained to your company
- Invitation to 10+ annual member events, highlighting relevant topics and featuring top-notch speakers
- Keeping abreast of the latest trends and developments in the area of Investor Relations.
In addition, you benefit from our partners‘ membership offers.
The membership is not limited to one person. The membership fee is CHF 1000 per year and company.