Market study on potentials of capital market access in investor relations practice

For many companies, access to capital is an important competitive factor and a basic prerequisite for growth and innovation. The existing or planned stock exchange listing offers many advantages in this respect. In addition to share issues, bond issues are another option for raising capital. Investor Relations (IR) or Fixed Income Relations is the central interface between companies and providers of equity or debt capital.

This year's survey published by EY and DIRK - Deutscher Investor Relations Verband as part of the "Trendbarometer" addressed questions such as: Are there differences in the requirement profile of the investor relations officer, in IR practice and in the internal organization or infrastructure set-up for equity and bond issues? Who is responsible for financial communications with equity and debt investors? How does the equity story differ from the bond story and what are important KPIs for debt and equity investors?


Download the results here.



DIRK – Deutscher Investor Relations Verband
Hannes Bauschatz
Reuterweg 81
60323 Frankfurt am Main
T. +49 (0)69.9590 9490