Coming events

Thursday, January 23, 2025, 7.30 AM - 9.00 AM

IR Breakfast: Key Themes, Challenges and Solutions for Investor Relations in 2025

Rothschild & Co, Zollikerstrasse 181, 8034 Zurich

This event is reserved exclusively for SIX-listed companies.

In conjunction with Rothschild & Co, the IR club Schweiz is delighted to host a breakfast and networking event discussing some of the key themes and considerations for Investor Relations Teams in 2025.

To frame the discussion, George Karamanos, Global Strategist at Redburn Atlantic, will be providing a view on how capital allocation decisions are valued across different regions and sectors in an environment of rising tail risks, while Rothschild & Co.’s Investor Advisory team will add their own perspectives around equity market engagement within the context of how investors are positioning themselves for 2025. Jens Brueckner, Head of Investor Relations at EFG International, will be on hand to discuss the equity market journey of EFG International from its 2005 IPO to today.

While all companies have their own strategic priorities from an investor relations perspective, there are common themes, challenges and goals. The objective of this session is to provide some expert insights and a forum to discuss some of the major themes and topics that are on the minds of many IR professionals.

Register here




Jens Brueckner, Head of IR, EFG International

George Karamanos, Global Strategist, Redburn Atlantic

Alice Squires, Co-Head Investor Advisory, Rothschild & Co

Jeremy Wiseman, Co-Head Investor Advisory, Rothschild & Co




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FREITAG, 31. Januar 2025
9–16 UHR

Digitale DIRK-Mitgliederversammlung 2025 (in German)


Im Rahmen unserer Partnerschaft mit dem DIRK freuen wir uns, unseren Mitgliedern exklusiv Zugang zur DIRK-Mitgliederversammlung am 31. Januar 2025 zu ermöglichen.

Neben aufeinanderfolgenden Live-Vorträgen wird es parallel Diskussionen in kleinerer Runde für den direkten Erfahrungsaustausch geben.

Weitere Informationen finden Sie zu gegebener Zeit hier auf der Veranstaltungsseite.

Interessierte Mitglieder des IR club Schweiz können sich ab Januar 2025 als Gast auf der Webseite des DIRK für die Mitgliederversammlung anmelden.




4.00–7.00 P.M.

Annual General Meeting IR club Schweiz - SAVE THE DATE

dormakaba, Hofwisenstrasse 24, 8153 Rümlang

This event is only open to members of the IR club Schweiz.

In 2025, we’re excited to continue our cherished tradition of combining the IR club Annual General Meeting with a visit to one of our member companies. This year, dormakaba will graciously host us at their exceptional offices in Rümlang. Join us for a unique AGM experience, including an exclusive tour of their innovative workspace, followed by a delightful apéro riche—the perfect opportunity to network and connect with fellow members.

Registration will be open to IR club members only. The main contact person of each member company will recieve a personalised link to the voting platform provided by our Gold Partner Devigus.


More information on the agenda will follow shortly.

Find some impressions of our 2024 AGM hosted by Givaudan below:


The voting platform for our AGM is kindly provided by our gold partner Devigus.