NIRI - Investor Relations Charter (IRC)
(This course is offered in English only)
In Kooperation mit Partner NIRI bietet der IR club Schweiz seinen Mitgliedern extensiven Zugang zu exklusiven, IR fokussierten Aus- und Weiterbildungsprogrammen, welche die kontinuierliche berufliche Entwicklung im Bereich der Investor Relations fördert.
Neben dem kostenlosen Zugang zu den NIRI-Webinaren haben IR-Club-Mitglieder zusätzlich die Möglichkeit von speziellen Vergünstigungen zu profitieren. Bitte wenden Sie sich an helen.gloor, um Ihren individuellen Rabattcode für NIRI-Kurse und -Zertifizierungen zu erhalten. @
The Investor Relations Charter (IRC)®
This is the best in-class certification geared towards IR professionals. Learn more about what it is, why get certified, and see what benefits having a certain certification can present to the professional and to the employer. You can also download the IRC Applicant Handbook for detailed information. Are you ready to submit your IRC Exam Application? If so, simply create a NIRI account and use the discount code to receive the member price. (NIRI membership is not a prerequisite for certification or recertification).
IRC Sample Test (Free of charge)
The two sample test questions are meant to give candidates an indication of the IRC examination format and type of topics covered. They are not considered exam preparatory or training.
IR Exam Application
Effective March 1, 2022, the IRC examinations will be available online and on demand. Download the IRC Applicant Handbook for detailed information and instructions.
Are you ready to submit your exam application? If so, simply create a NIRI account and IR club members can request a discount code to receive the NIRI member price. (NIRI membership is not a prerequisite for certification or recertification).
Deb Ann Wasser, IRCVP Investor Relations & ESG Engagement, Etsy, Inc
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Lee M. Ahlstrom, IRCPresident, Energy Services, Viasat, Inc.
"Having the Investor Relations Charter (IRC®) on my business card has generated some great conversation about the credential, NIRI, and skills needed to excel as an IRO." | ![]() |
Jessica Hansen, CPA, IRCVice President of Investor Relations & Communications, D.R. Horton, Inc
Steve Hufford, IRCDirector, Investor Relations, Blackbaud, Inc.