After so many months of webinars and our new virtual life in Zoomland, we have finally reached the end of what can only be described as an exceptional year for all of us within Investor Relations.
In my first year as President of the IR club Switzerland, it has allowed me to test my stamina, flexibility and resilience. I have learnt to identify what is possible but to continue to move forward. I would like to take this opportunity to thank you all for your support, feedback and contributions this year; we hope that you found it valuable.
Looking back, I am extremely proud of what we as the IR club Switzerland have been able to achieve despite all the challenges. We were able to more than double our Event offerings across a variety of interesting topics on ESG, Virtual AGMS and Investor Engagement to name a few. I hope that you have noticed our content that we have been publishing throughout the year and leveraging our Social Media platform simultaneously.
I am delighted that we were able to expand our membership base with 10 newcomers to the IR club Switzerland some have already joined and others will join us in 2021. Welcome and I look forward to meeting you at one of our events next year.
The IR club Board Members and I are discussing our ideas and plans for 2021 and we will update you at our Annual AGM21 with further details.
That leaves me to sign off for this year by wishing you and your loved ones a wonderful relaxing break over the holiday season away from your Computer screens and a healthy and prosperous New Year.
Lorna Davie